
In: Nursing

Question 1 - A 19-year-old client comes into the clinic to learn his test results. He...

Question 1 - A 19-year-old client comes into the clinic to learn his test results. He was exposed to HIV through sexual contact 2 weeks earlier and is relieved to learn that his results are negative. Given what you know about the virus, why is it important to have follow-up testing in 3 months? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

Re-testing isn't necessary but it does provide individuals with additional reassurance.

The individual could be in the window period.

Seroconversion usually occurs within 1 to 3 months.

The time between infection and detectable antibodies is about 1 week.

False negative ELISA tests after seroconversion are very common.

Question 2 - In providing education to this client, besides HIV testing, what other diagnostic tests should he have BASED ON HIS EXPOSURE to HIV?

Opportunistic infections such as PJP and CMV.

Hepatitis A and E.

Osteomyelitis and cellulitis.

STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.

Question 3 - The client asks what signs and symptoms he will display if he develops the HIV infection. What are the signs and symptoms of acute HIV infection? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.


Sore throat

Swollen lymph nodes



Question 4 - You are seeing a 36-year-old male patient recently diagnosed with HIV infection in the outpatient community clinic. He inquires about whether the antiviral medications that is currently taking will cure the infection. Which statements below are appropriate teaching points regarding the use of HAART? SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

"The medications you are taking won't cure HIV, but they can dramatically slow the progression of the disease."

"On days that you are feeling well, you do not need to take your antiviral medications."

"It is critical that you take your medications exactly as prescribed to avoid antiviral resistance."

"Starting antiviral therapy early, while your CD4 count is still pretty normal, may make your HIV virus easier to contol."

"There aren't any harmful side effects to these medications."

Question 5 - You want to help this client with good tertiary prevention. Important teaching points involved in keeping an HIV patient and his/her loved ones healthy include: SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.

Patients with HIV should get immunizations before their CD4 count is too low, although live viruses are contraindicated.

HIV patients should avoid large crowds and avoid infections, and should seek prompt care when they are infected.

Unfortunately, HIV is spread through casual contact so all silverware must be washed separately and the HIV-positive individual should use a separate bathroom.

Condom use is highly effective at decreasing HIV transmission.

Drug abusers should not reuse a dirty needle

Question 7 - An HIV positive patient presents to the ED with complaints of cough and hemoptysis. The patient is being tested for tuberculosis. What is the significance of co-infection with HIV and TB?

Reactivation of TB is uncommon in HIV infection.

People with HIV are more likely to have rapidly progressive TB, and usually have increased viral load.

Tuburculosis only affects the lungs of HIV-infected patients.

All of the above


Expert Solution

Question 1

•The individual could be in the window period.

•Seroconversion usually occurs within 1 to 3 months.

Question 2

•Opportunistic infections such as PJP and CMV.

•STDs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.

Question 3


•Sore throat

•Swollen lymph nodes



Question 4

•"The medications you are taking won't cure HIV, but they can dramatically slow the progression of the disease.".

•"It is critical that you take your medications exactly as prescribed to avoid antiviral resistance.".

•"Starting antiviral therapy early, while your CD4 count is still pretty normal, may make your HIV virus easier to contol.".

Question 5

•Patients with HIV should get immunizations before their CD4 count is too low, although live viruses are contraindicated..

•HIV patients should avoid large crowds and avoid infections, and should seek prompt care when they are infected..

•Condom use is highly effective at decreasing HIV transmission..

•Drug abusers should not reuse a dirty needle..

Question 7

•People with HIV are more likely to have rapidly progressive TB, and usually have increased viral load..

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