In: Accounting
Reflect on how the learning experience around the SDGs, accountability and social accounting might inform your future professional work
The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
their 169 objectives have been developed to address the social and
economic development issues facing the world.
These include
1) End poverty everywhere in all its forms
2) Stop hunger, achieve food security and better nutrition and
promote sustainable agriculture
3) Ensure a healthy life and promote well-being for all ages
4) Ensure comprehensive and equal quality education and promote
lifelong learning opportunities for all
5) To achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
6) Ensure all people have access to water and sanitation and
sustainable care
7) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern
energy for all
8) Promote sustainable, holistic and sustainable economic growth,
full and productive employment and decent work for all
9) Build better infrastructure, promote sustainable and sustainable
industrialization, and foster innovation
10) Reduce inequality within and outside countries
11) Make cities, human settlements inclusive, secure, energetic and
12) Ensure sustainable consumption and production practices
13) Take immediate action to combat climate change and its effects
(note the agreements made by the UNFCCC Forum)
14) Protect and use the oceans, oceans and marine resources for
sustainable development
15) Protecting, restoring, promoting the sustainable use of
terrestrial ecosystems, sustainable management of forests,
combating desertification, preventing land degradation, and
preventing biodiversity loss.
16) Promote peaceful and integrated communities for sustainable
development, provide justice for all, and create effective,
responsible and integrated institutions at all levels
17) Strengthen implementation pathways and revive global
participation for sustainable development
The magnitude of these problems reflects the urgency of the
accident. By the year 2030, when the world population exceeds 8.5
billion, the increasing demand for resources will increase the risk
of insecurity, poverty and deprivation.
An important role for the business
According to a new report from the Association of International
Certified Professional Accountants, business has an important role
to play in meeting the requirements of SDGs. Contributions include
working with partners, creating jobs, providing health care,
innovating new technologies, and leading the development and
responsible use of resources such as energy and water.
More specifically, the report indicates that the skills,
organizational role and ethical commitment of management
accountants around the world are at the forefront of SDG planning
and implementation.
Accounting professionals can have a wide range of areas, from
developing new programs to demonstrating key successes,
highlighting risk, and suggesting alternative course of
Where management accountants can have the greatest impact
SDGs are set up to help businesses face a number of key challenges
in the coming years - addressing risk, globalization, digitization,
responding to megatrends, addressing the impact of policy change,
and meeting the need of investors for greater reporting
These are broad areas where management accountants play an
important role at all levels, from the business case proposition to
the pursuit of appropriate SDGs to the board-level deployment of
sustainable enterprises with corporate functions.
Focusing more on the day-to-day roles of management accountants can
be varied and valuable. Primary tasks may include:Innov Encourage
businesses to meet SDG requirements through enhanced innovation
The izing emphasizes the importance of ethical behavior across the
Chain value chain
േക്ക Focus more than ever on best practices in administration and
G Formation of strategic partnerships
’Help Six Businesses of Corporate Reporting Based on their
Corporate Reports: Human, Social, Relational, Biological, Natural,
Manufacturing and Financial.
This report describes how businesses and management accountants can
directly benefit from the opportunities provided by SDGs and how
they can help finance professionals achieve the social and
socio-economic goals of an organization.
The report recommends that accountants and their employers focus
primarily on the SDGs that are most relevant to their industry,
sector and business type.
Overall, management accountants need to approach the SDG journey
with a determination to provide the opportunity, prosperity, and
trust to ultimately create a sustainable future for all.