In: Computer Science
. Let BT Node be the class we often use for binary-tree nodes. Write the following recursive methods: (a) numLeaves: a method that takes a BT Node T as parameter and returns the number of leaves in the tree rooted at T. (b) isEven: a boolean method that takes a BT Node T and checks whether its tree is strictly binary: every node in the tree has an even number of children.
class BT:
# Constructor of the BT class for creating the nodes of the Tree
def __init__(self , key):
self.key = key
self.left = None
self.right = None
def isEven(T):
#If current node of Tree is empty
if T is None:
return True
#If current node of Tree is a leaf node: No of leaves is 0 i.e Even case
if T.left is None and T.right is None:
return True
#If both the left and the right subtrees are not None and
#both left and right subtrees are even
#(Case of 2 childs as current node has 2 childs
# we recursively check for both left and right childs of
# current node of Tree).
if T.left is not None and T.right is not None:
return (isEven(T.left) and isEven(T.right))
# We reach here when none of the above if condiitions work
return False
def numberLeaves(T):
#If current node of Tree is null return 0
if T is None:
return 0
#If the current node of Tree has no left and right node
#return 1
if(T.left is None and T.right is None):
return 1
#Else call numberLeaves for left and right node recursively
#and add both to get total leaves from both side
return numberLeaves(T.left) + numberLeaves(T.right)
# Driver Program
root = BT(10)
root.left = BT(20)
root.right = BT(30)
root.left.right = BT(40)
root.left.left = BT(50)
#The given Binary Tree in this case.
# 10
# / \
# 20 30
# / \
# 40 50
#The BT is even and has 3 leaves.
#Checking is given Binary Tree is even or not
#using the isEven()
if isEven(root):
print("The given Binary tree is Even")
print("The given Binary tree is not Even")
#Calling numberLeaves() and printing the number of leaves in
#given Binary Tree
print("Number of leaves in given Binary Tree is: ",numberLeaves(root))
Output Screenshot:
(Note: Please refer to the screenshot of the code to understand the indentation of the code.)
Code Screenshots:
BT node:
main function: