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What is a comprehensive look at the blending of Leadership Theories and practice in Education into...

What is a comprehensive look at the blending of Leadership Theories and practice in Education into the blending of theory and practice?

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leadership theories in education:

- the trait theories assumes that people certain qualities or traits make them better suited to leadership. traits theories often identify particular personality characteristics that are shared by leaders.

- contingency theory of leadership focus on particular variables related to the environment that might determine which styles of leadership is best suited for a particular waork situation. according to this, no single leadership style is appropriate in all situations.

- participative theory suggest that the ideal leadership stylle is one that takes the input of others into account. it encourage participation and contributions from group members and help group members to feel relevant and commited to the decisiion making process..

- behavioural theory of leadership are based on the belief that great leaders are made noot born. this leadership theory focuses on the actions of leaders not on intellectual qualities or internal states.

efffective leadership begins with the development of a school wide vision of commitment to high standards and the success of all students. the principal helps to spell out that vision and get all others on board with it.

leadership practices are:

- shaping a vision of academic success for all students one based on high standards.

- creating a climate hospitable to education so safety, a cooperative spirit and other foundations of fruitful interaction prevail.

- cultivating leadership in others so teachers and other adults assume their art in realizing the school vision.

- managing people, data and processes to foster school improvement.

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