Outline the similarities and differences between the trait and
behavioral approaches to leadership. Looking back on both schools
of thought, what conclusions can now be drawn about the
effectiveness of each?
The behavioral theories of leadership claim that an
individual’s leadership style is fixed. Do you agree or disagree?
Give examples to support your position. The behavioral theories
also claim that the ideal style is the same in every situation. Do
you agree or disagree? Again, give examples.
After reading “Behavioral Theories of Leadership” and
“Participative Management and Employee and Stakeholder
Involvement,” describe each theory in a paragraph. Then, evaluate
which theory of leadership is best suited for a large multinational
corporation with subsidiaries around the world.
Question 1
Trait theories of leadership can identify specific personality
traits that distinguish leaders from non-leaders. They are based on
the premise that leaders are 'born, not made' Do you agree with the
statement, leaders are born not made? Discuss your choice with an
Part I:
Explain how dispositional trait theories (Allport, McCrae, and
Costa) are different from biological trait theories (Eysenck and
Buss) in 125–175 words.
Part II:
Discuss each dimension of your personality based on the Big Five
Personality Test report of your trait scores in 175–225 total
Summarize each dimension of your personality in 2–4
what are traditional, contemporary, and emerging
leadership theories? why do companies use these theories?
what are the advantages and disadvantages of a company using those
Leadership course question:
what are the following five approaches/theories based on?
how are they different from each other?
when is each of them best used?
what are the strengths and weaknesses of each?
The five are:
the Skills Approach, Situational leadership, trait-based
leadership, the Behavioral theory and the Path-Goal Theory
2. Behavioral Genetics perspective differs from what other
psychology perspective and how?
3. behavioral genetics is similar to which other psychology
perspectives and how?
4. evolutionary perspective is similar to which other psychology
perspectives and how?