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how can psoriasis be treated using holistic, Chinese, western medicine

how can psoriasis be treated using holistic, Chinese, western medicine


Expert Solution


Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by red,itchy and scaly patches which is commonly found in knees,elbow and in scalp.Treatments are available to manage its symptoms.Steriod creams and topical corticosteroids can be used to treat moderate psoriasis.It works by reducing inflammation.

The Holistic management of psoriasis

It involves modification of life style,such as Exercises,smoking,Alcohol,sleeping etc.The holistic therapy targets  your physical and emotional wellbeing.

Chinese treatment modalities for psoriasis

Chinese medicine(CM) theory suggets  the Acupuncture and chinese herbs treating psoriasis.The Acupuncture have theraputic effects on the itchy skin surface.Other hand the herbs can be applied both externally and internally to manage the Psoriasis.The regular treatment hepls to reduce symptoms in short period of time.

Western treatment of Psoriasis

It comprised of following


-Vitamin D

-Light therapy



-Coal Tar

All medicines should be used according to the instructions provided by the dermatologist.This may produce side affects such as thinning of skin and dilated blood vessels.


Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin condition,that can be treated with holistic approaches,chinese medicine and western medicine.These treatment modalities works by reducing the symptoms associated with psoriasis.Chinese herbs prooven effective in managing itchy skin that is found in psoriasis.

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