
In: Economics

In this assignment, using the interview questions you identified for your desired position in the M15...

In this assignment, using the interview questions you identified for your desired position in the M15 Discussion, you will record yourself answering the questions in a practice job interview, write a critique of your skills based on what you have learned in this module, and compose a follow-up message for your "interview." Follow these steps:

  1. Record yourself answering the interview questions (ask a friend to play the role of the interviewer and ask you the questions). You can use the video function of your mobile phone, your computer’s webcam, or a separate video camera.
  2. After you record yourself, write a critique of your practice interview.
  3. Compose an appropriate follow-up message to send to the interviewer.
  4. Combine your critique and follow-up message into one Word document and submit it using the link below the rubric.


Expert Solution

Hey Mr Interviewer,

I might want to thank you for the time you took out from your bustling timetable to interview me for the part of Business Management Executive. It was an extraordinary learning experience to have a word with you.

The conversation with you on the job has made me significantly more eager to join the company, particularly after you enlightened me regarding the new projects the company is intending to begin in next quarter. I believe my previous experience in a comparative scope of products could contribute towards the success of the team in the event that I am an aspect of the team. What's more, under your guidance and mentorship I can see myself emerging as the new management star for the company. Moreover, my flexibility in working hours would likewise be profitable in managing everything 24*7. I unquestionably feel I am the ideal fit for the job and offer a similar vision and goal as the company and the Project.

Again I might want to expand my gratitude for giving me your valuable time, and I am planning to get with you soon, so I can jump aboard at the earliest opportunity and make myself profitable for the company.



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