Write Lewis structure that obeys the octet rule for BrO−3 and assign formal charges to each...

Write Lewis structure that obeys the octet rule for BrO−3 and assign formal charges to each atom.

In: Chemistry

During the titration of a particular acid, the PH changes from 7.0 to 9.0 with the...

During the titration of a particular acid, the PH changes from 7.0 to 9.0 with the addition of 0.01mL of base. An indicator was used that had KI= 1.0x10-8. Calculate the ratio of basic to acidic forms of the indicators before and after the last 0.01mL of base was added. Use the result of your calculation to explain why this would or would not be a good indicator for this titration compared to phenolpthhalein.

a. I got PH change, then need to multply by 0.01ml of base. But why? What is that number called?

b. Need to calculate ratio of basic to acidic forms of the indicator before and after the last 0.01ml of base was added. I need precise steps of calculation with explainations.

c. How can I use my calculation to explain that the indicator used is good or bad for the experiment? Pleas explain.

In: Chemistry

When the following reaction is balanced what is the coefficient for -OH? ____N2H4 + ____ClO3- +...

When the following reaction is balanced what is the coefficient for -OH? ____N2H4 + ____ClO3- + ____-OH ----> ____NO3- + ____Cl- + ____H2O

(Please explain method step by step, this is a redox reaction)

In: Chemistry

The vibrational energy levels of NaI lie at the following wavenumbers: 142.81,427.31, 710.31, 991.81 cm-1. Show...

The vibrational energy levels of NaI lie at the following wavenumbers: 142.81,427.31, 710.31, 991.81 cm-1.

Show that they fit an expression ?e(v +

In: Chemistry

A combustion gas has the following composition (by volume): 75% N2, 5.5% O2, 11% CO2, 8.4%...

A combustion gas has the following composition (by volume): 75% N2, 5.5% O2, 11% CO2,
8.4% H2O, and 0.1% CO.
a. What is the CO concentration in mg/dscm (dry standard cubic meter)?
b. What is the average molecular weight of the gas?
c. What is the density of the gas at T = 350 °F and P = 755 mmHg?
d. If the measured flowrate was 1000 L/s at the temperature and pressure stated in
part (c), what would the volumetric flowrate be at STP?

In: Chemistry

Calculate the concentration of H+ in a 0.250 M solution of oxalic acid. Consider only [H+]...

Calculate the concentration of H+ in a 0.250 M solution of oxalic acid. Consider only [H+] from the first ionization. (Ka = 5.37 x 10^-2) Then calculate [H+] of the same solution, including the H+ ions resulting from the second ionization. (Ka = 5.37 x 10^-5)

In: Chemistry

A solution contains 2.2x10^-3 M Cu2+ and 0.33 M LiCN. If the Kf for Cu(CN)4^2- is...

A solution contains 2.2x10^-3 M Cu2+ and 0.33 M LiCN. If the Kf for Cu(CN)4^2- is 1.0x10^25, how much copper ion remains at equilibrium?

In: Chemistry

Which of the following acids would be most suitable for preparing a buffer of pH 3.10...

Which of the following acids would be most suitable for preparing a buffer of pH 3.10 and why: hydrogen peroxide (pKa= 11.65), propanoic acid (pKa=4.874), cyanoacetic acid (pKa= 2.472), and 4-aminobenzenesulfonic acid (pKa=3.232)?

In: Chemistry

Define the difference between each pair of terms: Isozyme vs. Zymogen Homotropic Effects vs. Heterotropic Effects...

Define the difference between each pair of terms:

Isozyme vs. Zymogen

Homotropic Effects vs. Heterotropic Effects

Consensus Sequence vs Pseudosubstrate Sequence

In: Chemistry

1) For the reaction, calculate how many grams of the product form when 24.4g of Br2...

1) For the reaction, calculate how many grams of the product form when 24.4g of Br2 completely reacts.
Assume that there is more than enough of the other reactant.


2)For the reaction, calculate how many grams of the product form when 24.4g of O2 completely reacts.
Assume that there is more than enough of the other reactant.

In: Chemistry

Titration of Na2CO3 with HCl. You may want to record your answers in the Data Collection...

Titration of Na2CO3 with HCl. You may want to record your answers in the Data Collection section of your lab manual for use during the lab. (pKa1(H2CO3) = 6.352, pKa2(H2CO3) = 10.329).

(a) What are the first and second equivalence volumes (Veq1 and Veq2) when 20.00 mL of 0.10 M Na2CO3 is titrated with 0.20 M HCl?

Veq1 = ? mL
Veq2 = ? mL

(b) What do you expect the pH to be at the following points

The first midpoint of the titration.
pH =  

The first equivalence point of the titration.
pH =  

The second midpoint of the titration.
pH =

(c) Calculate the pH at each of the following volumes of 0.20 M HCl added to 20.00 mL of 0.10 M Na2CO3.

mL 0.20 M HCl pH

In: Chemistry

Inorganic; You are attempting to synthesize some magnetic material using either Vanandium, Manganese or Cobalt and...


You are attempting to synthesize some magnetic material using either Vanandium, Manganese or Cobalt and have available the ligands pyridine, I-, CO, and OH-. What complexes (oxidation states, geometeries, etc.) might you expect to make good magnetic materials?

In: Chemistry

(a) To get a feel for how ∆mixGm varies with χAB, plot it for the following...

(a) To get a feel for how ∆mixGm varies with χAB, plot it for the following values of χAB = 0, 1, 2, 3 (pick any temperature). (b) Verify that ∆mixGm obtained from the lattice model for a mixture of 2 components has a maximum or a minimum at xA = xB = 1/2 for any value of χAB. (c) Discuss how the second derivative of the free energy of mixing with respect to the mole fraction of one of the component (d2∆mixGm/dx2A) varies with χAB when xA = 1/2.

In: Chemistry

In the saponification of methyl salicylate, how does equilibrium of the reaction affect yield

In the saponification of methyl salicylate, how does equilibrium of the reaction affect yield

In: Chemistry

A 0.02500 g sample of the diprotic acid malonic acid (H2C3H2O4) is dissolved in water to...

A 0.02500 g sample of the diprotic acid malonic acid (H2C3H2O4) is dissolved in water to yield a 2.00 L solution. What is the resulting pH of the solution and the concentration of malonate ion (C3H2O4^2-) at equilibruim?

In: Chemistry