consider a galvanic cell that is set up under standard conditions and allowed to react. How...

consider a galvanic cell that is set up under standard conditions and allowed to react.

How many of the following responses are true?

1. Electrons are produced spontaneously at the anode electrode

2. Electrons will flow from the cathode half cell to the anode half cell

3. The mass of the cathode electrode will increase as the galvanic cell approaches being "dead"

4. The salt bridge acts as a second pathway for electrons to flow thereby "completing" the electrical circuit

5. The half reaction with the higher standard reduction potential will be found in the cathode portion of the cell Comment

In: Chemistry

Can nuclear bombs be made from reactor-grade uranium? Explain

Can nuclear bombs be made from reactor-grade uranium? Explain

In: Chemistry

2NO (g) + O2 (g) -> 2 NO2 (g) if 12 moles of nitrogen monoxide are...

2NO (g) + O2 (g) -> 2 NO2 (g)
if 12 moles of nitrogen monoxide are combined with 10 moles of oxygen, how many moles of NO2 should form? I need step by step to help with my test Please type if possible.

In: Chemistry

Calculate the molar solubility and the solubility in g/L of each salt at 25oC: a) PbF2...

Calculate the molar solubility and the solubility in g/L of each salt at 25oC:

a) PbF2 Ksp = 4.0 x 10-8

b) Ag2CO3 Ksp = 8.1 x 10-12

c) Bi2S3 Ksp = 1.6 x 10-72

In: Chemistry

Balance these equations: HCl+CaCO3= HCl+Na2CO3= HCl+NaOH= NaOH+FeCl3= CoCl2+AgNO3= CuSO4+Na2CO3= CuSO4+BaCl2= Na3PO4+CuSO4= Na3PO4+NiCl2= Na3PO4+BaCl2= NH4Cl+AgNO3=

Balance these equations:












In: Chemistry

Lactic acid is very good at penetrating the skin. Because of this, it is used in...

Lactic acid is very good at penetrating the skin. Because of this, it is used in a number of products for skin care, such as exfoliating creams and chemical peels, and in formulations for transdermal delivery of medications, such as topical ointments and extended release patches for delivery through the skin. Lactic acid has a pKa of 3.86 in water at 25o C.

After graduation, you land your dream job at a small biotech firm specializing in novel antimicrobial agents. They have just developed a new drug, Poly-XSeption-L®, to help prevent antibiotic-resistant infections during local surgeries. Poly-XSeption-L® is to be applied to the skin at the site of the surgery in a liquid formulation containing lactic acid.

(a) The initial formulation being tested is a 1.0 wt% solution of Poly-XSeption-L® in a 0.015 M solution of aqueous lactic acid. Neglecting the effect of the antibiotic on the solution, what would you estimate the pH of this solution to be? State any assumptions you make.

(b) In clinical studies, it was found that the acidity of the initial formulation caused some problems with local irritation, and that Poly-XSeption-L® was not as effective below a pH of 4.2. It is proposed that sodium lactate be added to create a buffered solution with pH = 4.2. What concentration of sodium lactate should be used to achieve this pH?

In: Chemistry

The reaction                                     NO(g) + O3 -> NO2(g) + O2(g

The reaction

                                    NO(g) + O3 -> NO2(g) + O2(g)

was studied in 2 experiments under pseudo-first order conditions.

a) [O3] = 1x1014 molecules/cc in excess

the [NO] varied as follows   {Note, time is in msec (1 msec = 1x10-3 s)!}

            time (msec)                 NO (molecules/cc)

                        0                      6x108  

                        100                  5x108  

                        500                  2.4x108

                        700                  1.7x108

                        1000                9.9x107

b) [NO] = 2x1014 molecules/cc in excess     

            time (msec)                 O3 (molecules/cc)

                        0                      1x1010

                        50                    8.4x109           

                        100                  7x109

                        200                  4.9x109

                        300                  3.4x109

a) what is the order of reaction with respect to NO?

b) what is the order of reaction with respect to O3?

c) what is the overall rate law?

d) what is the pseudo-first order rate from experiment a); what overall rate coefficient does this give? (overall rate should be in cm3 molecule-1 s-1.)

e) what is the pseudo-first order rate from experiment b); what overall rate coefficient does this give?

In: Chemistry

Use Hess's law and the measured mean enthalpy changes for the NaOH-HCl(36.2) and NH3-HCl(31.9) reactions to...

Use Hess's law and the measured mean enthalpy changes for the NaOH-HCl(36.2) and NH3-HCl(31.9) reactions to calculate the enthalpy change to be expected from the reaction: NaOH + NH4Cl----NaCl + NH3 +H2O

In: Chemistry

What is the pH of 0.1 M FeSO4 please show all steps

What is the pH of 0.1 M FeSO4 please show all steps

In: Chemistry

A beaker with 1.30×102 mL of an acetic acid buffer with a pH of 5.000 is...

A beaker with 1.30×102 mL of an acetic acid buffer with a pH of 5.000 is sitting on a benchtop. The total molarity of acid and conjugate base in this buffer is 0.100 M. A student adds 5.00 mL of a 0.370 M HCl solution to the beaker. How much will the pH change? The pKa of acetic acid is 4.740.

In: Chemistry

A 100.0 ml sample of 1.00 M NaOH is mixed with 50.0 ml of 1.00 M...

A 100.0 ml sample of 1.00 M NaOH is mixed with 50.0 ml of 1.00 M H2SO4 in a large Styrofoam coffee cup; the cup is fitted with a lid through which passes a calibrated thermometer. the temperature of each solution before mixing is 22.9°C. After adding the NaOH solution to the coffee cup and stirring the mixed solutions with thermometer; that the specific heat of the mixed solutions is 4.18 J/(g•°C), and that no heat is lost to the surroundings.

a) Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction that takes place in the Styrofoam cup.

b) Calculate the enthalpy change per mole of H2SO4 in the reaction.

In: Chemistry

What is the nuclear binding energy per nucleon of potassium-40? Particle Mass (amu) K-40 39.9632591 Neutron...

What is the nuclear binding energy per nucleon of potassium-40? Particle Mass (amu) K-40 39.9632591 Neutron 1.008701 Proton 1.007316 Electron 0.000549 (1 kg = 6.022 × 1026 amu; NA = 6.022 × 1023 mol–1; c = 2.99792458 × 108 m/s) 1.33 × 10–12 J/nucleon 5.33 × 10–11 J/nucleon 5.64 × 10–11 J/nucleon 1.41 × 10–12 J/nucleon 2.97 × 10–12 J/nucleon

In: Chemistry

Define Z-effective for: He, Mercury, Xenon, Argon and Neon ? Please explain

Define Z-effective for: He, Mercury, Xenon, Argon and Neon ? Please explain

In: Chemistry

Imagine that you have a 7.00 L gas tank and a 3.00 L gas tank. You...

Imagine that you have a 7.00 L gas tank and a 3.00 L gas tank. You need to fill one tank with oxygen and the other with acetylene to use in conjunction with your welding torch. If you fill the larger tank with oxygen to a pressure of 155 atm , to what pressure should you fill the acetylene tank to ensure that you run out of each gas at the same time? Assume ideal behavior for all gases.

In: Chemistry

The Ksp of PbBr2 is 6.60*10^-6 M^3. What is the molar solubility of PbBr2 in pure...

The Ksp of PbBr2 is 6.60*10^-6 M^3. What is the molar solubility of PbBr2 in pure water?

What is the molar solubility of PbBr2 in 0.500 M KBr solution?

What is the molar solubility of PbBr2 in 0.500 M Pb(NO3)2 solution?

In: Chemistry