Introduction: In this experiment, the following equilibrium system will be observed:


Introduction: In this experiment, the following equilibrium system will be observed:

Fe+3(aq)   +   SCN-(aq)   ↔   Fe(SCN)+2(aq)

The reactants are both colorless solutions (the ferric ion is slightly colored, but it is treated with nitric acid to remove the color) while the product has a reddish color. The intensity of the color that is produced is directly proportional to its concentration. If a light source is allowed to shine through such a solution, it is found that the amount of light absorbed (i.e. the energy that is not being transmitted through the solution) is also directly proportional to the concentration of the solution. A spectrophotometer is a device that will shine light through a sample and measure the percent of light that is transmitted and absorbed. These data can be used to determine the equilibrium concentrations in a system by applying Beer’s Law.

            Beer’s Law:   absorbance = ab[colored species]

a = molar absorptivity coefficient of the colored species (constant for a particular wavelength)

b = thickness of the cell used in the measurement

[colored species] = molar concentration.

            Since the same cell will be used throughout the experiment as well as the same wavelength, both a and b will be constants and they will be combined into a single constant labeled Z. Therefore:


                        absorbance = Z[colored species]


A.Preparation of Solutions: Place 6 test tubes in a test tube rack labeled 1-6. Add the reagents listed below using pipettes (pipettes are to be cleaned and prepared in the same manner as a buret). Note that the total volume in each test tube is 20.0 mL.


mL of 0.0020 M Fe(NO3)3

mL of 0.0020 M NaSCN

mL of    0.25 M HNO3






















B.Calibrating the spectrophotometer:

1.Set the wavelength to 447 nm.

2.Rinse a cuvet (small disposable test tube) with distilled water. Fill the cuvet with distilled water and wipe the outside of it with a paper towel to remove any liquid and fingerprints. From this point on, handle the cuvet by the rim only.

3.Insert the cuvet into the sample compartment and press the green calibration button.


C.Determining the Value of Z: The value of Z is determined by measuring the absorbance of a solution of known concentration ( absorbance = Z[colored species] ).   The solution of known concentration was prepared by adding 5.00 mL of .00200 M NaSCN and 25.0 mL of .200M Fe(NO3)3 and was diluted to a volume of 100.0 mL. From these quantities it is evident that the ferric nitrate is in extreme excess which forces the equilibrium to the right. It can be assumed that the magnitude of the excess reactant causes the reaction to go to completion. From this information, calculate the concentration of the Fe(SCN)+2 in the solution. Rinse a cuvet with water and with the solution to be tested. Fill the cuvet with the known concentration solution and insert it into the sample compartment. Record the absorbance value and calculate the value of Z.


D.Determining the Absorbance of the Equilibrium Mixtures: Determine the absorbance for each of the five solutions. Be sure to clean the cuvet each time with distilled water, rinse it with the solution to be tested, and thoroughly wipe the outside of the cuvet.

Data and Calculations:


1. Known Concentration Solution


                        Concentration of Fe(SCN)+2 : ____________    

                                    show work

Absorbance: 0.424

                        Z: ____________________

                                    show work

            2. Equilibrium Solutions

Test Tube



Initial [Fe+3]

Equilibrium [Fe+3]

Initial [SCN-]

Equilibrium [SCN-]
















Given the measured absorbance for test tube 2, show the work for the calculations for each of the concentrations requested in the table above. Record the concentrations for all the test tubes in the table above, but only show the work for test tube 2.


Initial [Fe+3]                                            Equilibrium [Fe+3]





Initial [SCN-]                                          Equilibrium [SCN-]

Write the expression for Kc for this reaction.

Calculate the value of Kc for each of the five equilibrium mixtures and calculate the average. Show the work for test tube 2 only.


            t.t. 1:   Kc = ____________                t.t. 2:   Kc = ____________


t.t. 3:   Kc = ____________                t.t. 4:   Kc = ____________


t.t. 5:   Kc = ____________                Average Kc =___________

Using 131 as the accepted value for Kc, determine the percent error.

In: Chemistry

The decomposition of XY is second order in XYand has a rate constant of 6.92×10−3 M−1⋅s−1at...

The decomposition of XY is second order in XYand has a rate constant of 6.92×10−3 M−1⋅s−1at a certain temperature.

Part A

What is the half-life for this reaction at an initial concentration of 0.100 M?

t1/2 =



Part B

How long will it take for the concentration of XY to decrease to 12.5% of its initial concentration when the initial concentration is 0.100 M?

t =   s  

Part C

How long will it take for the concentration of XY to decrease to 12.5% of its initial concentration when the initial concentration is 0.200 M?

t = ________ s  

Part D

If the initial concentration of XY is 0.160 M , how long will it take for the concentration to decrease to 6.80×10−2 M ?

Express your answer using two significant figures.

t = _______   s  

Part E

If the initial concentration of XY is 0.050 M, what is the concentration of XY after 55.0 s ?

Express your answer using two significant figures.

[XY]t = ______   M  

Part F

If the initial concentration of XY is 0.050 M, what is the concentration of XY after 600 s ?

Express your answer using two significant figures.

[XY]t = _______   M  

Please explain and show work with the answers, I have been struggling for the past hour trying to solve the problem!!! Thanks for your help

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A sample of argon gas at a pressure of 697 torr and a temperature of 26.4 °C, occupies a volume of 448 mL. If the gas is compressed at constant temperature until its pressure is 858 torr, the volume of the gas sample will be  mL.

A sample of hydrogen gas at a pressure of 0.521 atm and a temperature of 25.3°C, occupies a volume of 12.9liters. If the gas is allowed to expand at constant temperature to a volume of 22.1 liters, the pressure of the gas sample will be  atm.

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the only species in a closed flask at 35 C and is present in both liquid and vapor states. The volume
of gas above the liquid is 150 mL.

a) Estimate the amount of the solvent (mol) contained in the gas phase.

b) What assumptions did you make? How would you answer change if the species dimerized (one molecule results from two molecules of the species combining?

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A sample of a gas mixture contains the following quantities of three gases. compound mass CO...

A sample of a gas mixture contains the following quantities of three gases.

compound mass
CO 2.68 g
CO2 3.69 g
SF6 2.13 g

The sample has:

volume = 2.50 L
temperature = 16.6 °C

What is the partial pressure for each gas, in mmHg?
What is the total pressure in the flask?

CO ___ mmhg

CO2 __mmhg

SF6 ____ mmHg

total ___ mmHg

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A) 1 L of solution contains 0.10 mol Ag+ and 0.10 mol of Ba2+. If a...

A) 1 L of solution contains 0.10 mol Ag+ and 0.10 mol of Ba2+. If a highly concentrated solution of K2CrO4 is added drop by drop, which will precipitate first, Ag2CrO4 or BaCrO4?

Ksp for AgCrO4 = 2.0 x 10^-12; Ksp for BaCrO4= 1.2 x 10^-10

B) If the solution in part "A" contains 0.0010 Ag+ and 0.0010 mol of Ba2+ instead, which will precipiate first, Ag2CrO4 or BaCrO4?

Answers: A) Ag2CrO4 and B) BaCrO4

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Column Chromatography Lab

1. What would happen if diethyl ether were put in the column first instead of petroleum ether?

2. The recrystallization lab required you to purify naphthalene which contained a small portion of fluorenone. Could you use column chromatography to purify the same mixture? Would the selection of solvents be different from those used in this lab?

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Calculate the pH for the titration 20.00mL of 0.500M HF with 0.500M KOH at the following volumes of added titrant:

a) 0.00 mL (before titration begins)

b)10.00mL (at 50% equivalence)

c) 19.00 mL (at 95% equivalence)

d) 20.00 mL (at equivalence point)

e) 21 mL (at 105% equivalence)

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Write the balanced molecular equation for any reaction that occurs when the following solutions are mixed.

1. Ba(C2H3O2)2 and Na2SO4

2. NaClO4 and Pb(NO3)2

3. Mg(NO3)2 and Na3PO4

4. SrS and NiI2 (thats Nickel and Iodide)

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And please show me the step by step process of how you solved the question. I...

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If it takes 17.5 mL of 0.085 M NaOH to titrate a 15 mL sample of sauerkraut juice, what is the acidity of that juice, expressed as % lactic acid (wt/vol)?

In: Chemistry