How many microliters of a 872.0 ppm Co2 stock solution are required to prepare 19.00 mL...

How many microliters of a 872.0 ppm Co2 stock solution are required to prepare 19.00 mL of a 13.0 ng/μL Co2 solution?

W/ Correct Sig Figs

In: Chemistry

For each of the reactions, calculate the mass (in grams) of the product formed when 3.26g...

For each of the reactions, calculate the mass (in grams) of the product formed when 3.26g of the underlined reactant completely reacts. Assume that there is more than enough of the other reactant.

Part A Ba(s)?????+Cl2(g)?BaCl2(s) m=_________________g

Part B CaO(s)??????+CO2(g)?CaCO3(s) m=_________________g

Part C 2Mg(s)?????+O2(g)?2MgO(s) m=_________________g

Part D 4Al(s)????+3O2(g)?2Al2O3(s) m=_________________g

In: Chemistry

Twenty-five milliliters of liquid nitrogen (density = 0.807 g/mL) is poured into a cylindrical container with...

Twenty-five milliliters of liquid nitrogen (density = 0.807 g/mL) is poured into a cylindrical container with a radius of 11.3 cm and a length of 17.6 cm . The container initially contains only air at a pressure of 760.0 mmHg (atmospheric pressure) and a temperature of 309 K .

If the liquid nitrogen completely vaporizes, what is the total force (in lb) on the interior of the container at 309 K ?

In: Chemistry

Part A: Consider the titration of a 28.7 mL sample of 0.117 M RbOH with 0.186...

Part A:

Consider the titration of a 28.7 mL sample of 0.117 M RbOH with 0.186 M HCl.

Calculate the volume of added acid required to reach the equivalence point.
Express your answer to 3 significant figures.

Part B:

Calculate the pH after 8.2 mL of acid have been added.
Express your answer to 2 decimal places.

Part C:

Calculate the pH after 8.2 mL of acid have been added beyond the equivalence point.
Express your answer to 2 decimal places.

In: Chemistry

Liquid (anhydrous) ammonia, NH3(l), with a boiling point of –33 °C, is often used as an...

Liquid (anhydrous) ammonia, NH3(l), with a boiling point of –33 °C, is often used as an alternate solvent to water. It forms strong hydrogen bonds and the polar molecules can solvate ionic compounds. Anhydrous ammonia also undergoes autoionization. Therefore, there can be acidic, neutral, or basic species in solutions of liquid ammonia.

a) Write the chemical equation, using the Brønsted‐Lowry perspective, that describes the autoionization of NH3(l). (Hints: for water this equation is 2H2O(l) ⇌ H3O+(aq) + OH–(aq); X(am) denotes a solute solvated by ammonia)

b) Identify the species in pure NH3(l) that can act as Brønsted acids and as Brønsted bases. (There are more than one for each case.)

c) Write the equilibrium expression for the autoionization constant Kam of liquid ammonia.

d) At 50°C, the autoionization constant of ammonia Kam is 1030. What are the conditions for “neutral”,

“acidic”, and “basic” liquid ammonia solutions at 50°C?

e) Propose a quantity, analog to the pH, that indicates the acidity of a liquid ammonia solution.

f) For each of these compounds: NH4Cl, LiNH2, KOH, N(CH3)3, when dissolved in liquid ammonia, identify whether it gives rise to an "acidic" solution or a "basic" solution. Write out the chemical equilibrium that shows how it behaves as an acid or a base in NH3(l).

In: Chemistry

Question 13: Automobile airbags contain solid sodium azide, NaN3, that reacts to produce nitrogen gas when...

Question 13:

Automobile airbags contain solid sodium azide, NaN3, that reacts to produce nitrogen gas when heated, thus inflating the bag.


Calculate the value of work, w, for the following system if 39.6g of NaN3 reacts completely at 1.00 atm and 22 C.

1. Calculate the number of moles produced

2.Calculate the volume of N2 using the number of moles, pressure, and temperature

3.Calculate the work using the change in volume and the pressure

In: Chemistry

How many grams of Mg(OH)2 will be needed to neutralize 25mL of stomach acid if stomach...

How many grams of Mg(OH)2 will be needed to neutralize 25mL of stomach acid if stomach acid is .10M HCL?

How many mL of a .10 M NaOH solution are needed to neutralize 15mL of 0.20 M H3PO4 solution?

In: Chemistry

GC Analysis a) is best done on solids dissolved in a volatile solvent b) on neat...

GC Analysis

a) is best done on solids dissolved in a volatile solvent

b) on neat high melting solids

c) on neat volatile liquids or solids

d) none of the above

I just want to see if my reasoning is correct and if not, why: it would be a) because the GC will recognize the solid in solution as a disruption in the gas more easily than b or c.

In: Chemistry

A 500 mL sample of Argan at 600 torr has its absolute temperature quadrupled. if the...

A 500 mL sample of Argan at 600 torr has its absolute temperature quadrupled. if the volume remains unchanged what is the new pressure? Show calculations

In: Chemistry

How would you drive a reaction that is endothermic and has a greater number of gaseous...

How would you drive a reaction that is endothermic and has a greater number of gaseous reactants than gaseous products?

In: Chemistry

You have to prepare a ph 3.50 buffer, and you have the following 0.10M solutions available:...

You have to prepare a ph 3.50 buffer, and you have the following 0.10M solutions available: HCOOH, CH3COOH,H3PO4,HCOONa, CH3COONa, and NAH2PO4. Which solutions would you use? How many milliliters of each solution would you use to make approximately a liter of the buffer?

The answer on the textbook is 360mL of 0.10M HCOONa and 630mL of 0.10M HCOOH. I just need to know how did they get that answer.

In: Chemistry

Silver bromide, AgBr (s), is an essential reagent in black and white film developing. It is,...

Silver bromide, AgBr (s), is an essential reagent in black and white film developing. It is,

however, only sparingly soluble in water. AgBr (s) has K = 5.0 × 10-13, making it difficult to

rinse AgBr from the film negative with water.

Instead, excess AgBr is removed by an aqueous solution of sodium thiosulfate (Na2S2O3), which forms the complex ion Ag(S2O3)23-:

Ag+ (aq) + 2 S2O32- (aq) Ag(S2O3)23- (aq) Kf = 4.7 × 10+13 a) To see how this helps, first determine the molar solubility of AgBr (s) in water.


b) The large formation constant of Ag(S2O3)23- (aq) means that almost all of the silver is complexed with the thiosulfate. To determine how much, calculate the [Ag+] at equilibrium in a 1.0 L solution that initially contains 0.001 M silver ions and 0.200 M sodium thiosulfate. Do so by setting up an ICE table and assuming that x is small compared to 0.200 (but not 0.001). Show that this results in a value of x = [Ag(S2O3)23-] = 0.001. In other words, all of the Ag+ complexes.

c) Your result from part b suggests that no Ag+ remains in solution. This obviously can’t be correct, since it would result in an infinitely large reaction quotient that wouldn’t be equal to an admittedly large equilibrium constant. To determine the correct [Ag+], use the equilibrium concentrations determined in part b as your initial concentrations in a new ICE table. Then use Kf to determine [Ag+]. [This approach is called a stoichiometric shift and is useful when a reaction starts with only reactants but goes almost to completion. Is essence, we are approaching the equilibrium from the direction of all Ag(S2O3)23- and no Ag+ as opposed to the direction of all Ag+ and no Ag(S2O3)23-.]

d) Before we determine the solubility of AgBr (s) in a thiosulfate solution, we need to know the appropriate equilibrium constant. To find it, determine the value of the equilibrium constant for the reaction:

AgBr (s) + 2 S2O32- (aq) <-->Ag(S2O3)23- (aq) + Br - (aq) Kc = ??

e) Finally, calculate the molar solubility of AgBr (s) in 1.0 M sodium thiosulfate. In other words, what is [Ag(S2O3)23-] for the reaction given in part d when the initial concentration of thiosulfate is 1.0 M?

In: Chemistry

At equilibrium, the concentrations in this system were found to be [N2]=[O2]=0.200 M and [NO]=0.500 M....

At equilibrium, the concentrations in this system were found to be [N2]=[O2]=0.200 M and [NO]=0.500 M.


If more NO is added, bringing its concentration to 0.800 M, what will the final concentration of NO be after equilibrium is re-established?


In: Chemistry

You want to know how many different products were produced by a new reaction you have...

You want to know how many different products were produced by a new reaction you have devised. You spot the product mixture on a TLC plate and develop it in petroleum ether and observe a single spot at Rf 0.05.

a) Why does this experiment not confirm that only a single product was produced in the     reaction?                   

b) What change would you make to the mobile phase to gain more information about the composition of the product mixture?  

In: Chemistry

Use the density and molecular weight of limonene, linalool, and nonane to calculate the volumes of...

Use the density and molecular weight of limonene, linalool, and nonane to calculate the volumes of the compounds you will need to make the stock solution of 50 mM.

Also calculate the final concentration of those solutions after dilution.

Nonane: d = 0.718 g/mL, MW = 128.26, 99% pure

Limonene: d = 0.84 g/mL MW = 136.24, 96% pure

Linalool: d = 0.861 g/mL, MW = 154.25, 97% pure.

In: Chemistry