
In: Chemistry

A 240.0-mL sample of spring water was treated to convert any iron present to Fe2+. Addition...

A 240.0-mL sample of spring water was treated to convert any iron present to Fe2+. Addition of 27.00-mL of 0.002520 M K2Cr2O7 resulted in the reaction

6Fe2+ + Cr2O72- + 14H+ ----> 6Fe3+ + 2Cr3+ + 7H2O

The excess K2Cr2O7 was back-titrated with 8.80 mL of 0.00936 M Fe2+ solution. Calculate the concentration of iron in the sample in parts per million.

Concentration of iron = _______ ppm?


Expert Solution

The balanced Redox reaction between Fe+2 and dichromate in acidic medium is

6 Fe+2 + Cr2O7–2+ 14 H+ --------> 6 Fe+3 + 2 Cr+3+ 7 H2O

Number of moles of Cr2O7–2 initially added = M*V = 0.002520 M * 27.00 mL = 0.06804 mmol

Number of moles of Fe+2 used for back titration = 0.00936 M * 8.80 mL = 0.082368 mmol

According to balanced equation,

6 mole of Fe+2 reacts with 1 mole of Cr2O7–2


0.082368 mmol of Fe+2 would react with 0.082368 *1/6 = 0.013728 mmol of Cr2O7–2 .

Net moles of Cr2O7–2 used for estimation = 0.06804 – 0.013728 = 0.054312 mmol

According to balanced equation,

1 mole of Cr2O7–2 reacts with 6 moles of Fe+2


0.054312 mmol of Cr2O7–2 would react with 6* 0.054312 mmol = 0.325872 mmol of Fe+2.

Number of moles of Fe+2 = 0.325872 mmol = 0.325872 × 10–3 mol

Mass of Fe+2 = moles * mol.wt. = 0.325872 × 10–3 mol * 55.845 g/mol = 0.018198 g

Volume of Fe+2 solution = 240.0 mL

Concentration of Iron (in ppm) = 0.018198 g/240 mL * 106 = 75.83 ppm

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