Balance the redox reaction FeSO4 + H2SO4 + KMnO4 ---> Fe2(SO4)3 + K2SO + MnSO4 +...

Balance the redox reaction

FeSO4 + H2SO4 + KMnO4 ---> Fe2(SO4)3 + K2SO + MnSO4 + H2O

What is the coefficient of FeSO4 in the balanced equation? Please show work.

In: Chemistry

explain your answer step by step, i already have the answer but i need the explnations...

explain your answer step by step, i already have the answer but i need the explnations and type your answer, thanks

4 FeS2   +   11 O2    ®    2 Fe2O3    +    8 SO2

1.    How many moles of oxygen are required to react with 3.75 moles of FeS2?


2.    How many moles of Fe2O3 are formed when 2.83 moles of oxygen reacts with

       excess FeS2?

3.    How many moles of SO2 are formed when 2.81 moles of Fe2O3 are formed?

4.    How many grams of SO2are formed when 1.00 mol of FeS2 reacts?

5.    How many moles of O2 are required to from 75.8 grams of Fe2O3?

6.    How many grams of Fe2O3 are formed when 187 grams of FeS2 react with excess   


7.    How many grams of oxygen are required to form 67.8 grams of Fe2O3?

8.    How many grams of FeS2 are required to react with excess oxygen to produce

       77.0 grams of SO2?

9.    How many molecules of SO2 are formed when 27.0 grams of FeS2 react?

Percent Yield

10.   If 30.7 grams of Fe2O3 are obtained from the reaction of 85.3 grams of FeS2 with

       excess oxygen, what is the percent yield?

11.   What is the percent yield if 130 grams of SO2 are obtained from the reaction of        140 grams of FeS2 with excess oxygen?

Limiting Reactant

12.   What is the maximum amount of Fe2O3 that can be prepared from 57.8 grams of

       FeS2 and 92.5 grams of O2? What is the limiting reactant?

13.   How many grams of SO2 can be prepared from 86.2 grams of FeS2 and

       125.3 grams of oxygen? How many grams of each reactant and product are     present at the end of the reaction?

14.   What is the percent yield if 118 grams of SO2 are produced from the reaction of

       135 grams of FeS2 and 200 grams of oxygen?

In: Chemistry

1/ the total volume of hydrogen gass needed to fill the Hindenburge was 2x10^8 liters at...

1/ the total volume of hydrogen gass needed to fill the Hindenburge was 2x10^8 liters at 1 atm and 25*C. How Much energy was evolved when it burned ?

H2(g) + .5O2(g) ----> H2O(I) ∆H* = -286Kj

2/ The heat of formation of iron(III) oxide is -826KJ/mol. Calculate the heat of the reaction when a 55.8 g sample of iron is reacted with an excess of oxygen gas.

4Fe(s) + 3O2(g) -----> 2Fe2O3(s)

3/ the vapor pressure of water at 25*Celcius is 23.8 torr. Determine the mass of glucose( molar mass= 180g/mol) needed to add to 500 grams of water to change the vapor pressure to 23.1 torr.

4/ Consider the reaction H2(g) + .5O2(g) ----> H2O(I) ∆H*= -286 Kj

which of the following is true?

A/ The reaction is exothermic

B/ The reaction is endothermic

C/ The enthalpy of the products is less than that of the reactants.

D/ Heat is absorbed by the system

E/ The reaction is exothermic and the enthalpy of the products is less than that of the reactants.

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(a) Starting with the orbital diagram of a sulfur atom, describe the steps needed to construct...

(a) Starting with the orbital diagram of a sulfur atom, describe the steps needed to construct hybrid orbitals appropriate to describe the bonding in SF2. (b) what is the name given to the hybrid orbitals. (c) sketch the large lobes of these hybrid orbitals. (d) Would the hybridization scheme in part (a) be appropriate for SF4? Explain

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A solution of 0.2152M NaOH is used to neutralize 15.00mL H2SO4 solution. H2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) ?...

A solution of 0.2152M NaOH is used to neutralize 15.00mL H2SO4 solution.

H2SO4(aq) + 2NaOH(aq) ? Na2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l)

If 32.59mL NaOH solution is required to reach the endpoint, what is the molarity of the H2SO4 solution?

In: Chemistry

3. Molecular bromine is 24% dissociated at 1600K and 1.00 bar in the equilibrium: Br​​2 (g)--------...

3. Molecular bromine is 24% dissociated at 1600K and 1.00 bar in the equilibrium:

Br​​2 (g)-------- 2Br(g)


a) the equilibrium constant K at 1600K (8)

b) the standard Gibbs energy of reaction 4)

C) K at 2000K , given that ∆r H = +112kj/mol over the temperature range. (6)

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How much heat is evolved in converting 1.00 mol of steam at 155.0 ∘C to ice...

How much heat is evolved in converting 1.00 mol of steam at 155.0 ∘C to ice at -45.0 ∘C? The heat capacity of steam is 2.01 J/(g⋅∘C) and of ice is 2.09 J/(g⋅∘C). Express your answer in units of kilojoules Assume the system is at atmospheric pressure.

Thanks all!!

In: Chemistry

The mass of a 270. mL beaker is 178 g when empty. Determine its mass when...

The mass of a 270. mL beaker is 178 g when empty. Determine its mass when filled with the following substances.

(a) water (density 0.9970 g/cm3 at 20°C)

____ g
(b) alcohol (density 0.7893 g/cm3 at 20°C)
____ g
(c) mercury (density 13.546 g/cm3 at 20°C)
____ g
(d) Explain why mercury containing pollutants are usually found in the mud at the bottom of a lake of stream.

-Mercury has a negative charge and is attracted to the positively charged particles on the lake or stream bed.

-Mercury containing pollutants do not float.    

-Mercury is denser, and therefore sinks to the bottom of the lake or stream.

In: Chemistry

Part A It takes 47.0 J to raise the temperature of an 9.50 g piece of...

Part A

It takes 47.0 J to raise the temperature of an 9.50 g piece of unknown metal from 13.0∘C to 24.8 ∘C. What is the specific heat for the metal?

Express your answer with the appropriate units. Cs=

Parts B and C

The next two questions pertain to silver. They have nothing to do with unknown metal described in Part A.

Part B

The molar heat capacity of silver is 25.35 J/mol⋅∘C. How much energy would it take to raise the temperature of 9.50 g of silver by 19.5 ∘C?

Express your answer with the appropriate units. q=

Part C

What is the specific heat of silver?

Express your answer with the appropriate units.

In: Chemistry

You want to determine the percent of sulfate in an unknown sample of a hydrated metal...

You want to determine the percent of sulfate in an unknown sample of a hydrated metal sulfate with the formula My(SO4)x·nH2O. You dissolve 0.2888 g of your unknown in DI water and heat to near boiling. You react the dissolved unknown with a hot barium chloride solution and you collect the barium sulfate you make via gravity filtration. The filter paper weighed 0.597 g after a piece was torn off. The dry barium sulfate crystal and the filter paper weighed 0.910 g. Answer the following:

1. What is the molar mass of barium sulfate?

2. What is the molar mass of sulfate?

3. How many moles of sulfate were produced?

4. How many grams of sulfate were produced?

5. What is the percent sulfate?

I know the answer for the first two but im unsure of the next couple of questions. Thank you in advnadce :)

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write a detailed mechanism for a) the hydrolysis of methyl salicylate in basic solution b) the acetylation of salicylic acid in acidic solution and c) the acetylation of vanillin in basic solution.

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A buffer that contains 0.592 M base, B, and 0.286 M of its conjugate acid, BH+,...

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In: Chemistry