The following reaction was performed in a sealed vessel at 724*C : H2(g)+I2(g)?2HI(g) Initially, only H2...

The following reaction was performed in a sealed vessel at 724*C :


Initially, only H2 and I2 were present at concentrations of [H2]=3.85M and [I2]=2.85M. The equilibrium concentration of I2 is 0.0800M . What is the equilibrium constant, Kc, for the reaction at this temperature?

Express answer numerically

In: Chemistry

Solve an equilibrium problem (using an ICE table) to calculate the pH of each of the...

Solve an equilibrium problem (using an ICE table) to calculate the pH of each of the following solutions.

0.16 M CH3NH3Cl

a mixture that is 0.16 M in CH3NH2
and 0.16 M in CH3NH3Cl

In: Chemistry

1.) Part A. Write the two general rules that govern the use of the VESPR model....

1.) Part A. Write the two general rules that govern the use of the VESPR model.

Part B. Write the four guidelines (rules) for applying the VESPR model to all types of molecules.

In: Chemistry

How much energy, in kiloJoules, would be required to raise the temperature of 1.00 kilogram of...

How much energy, in kiloJoules, would be required to raise the temperature of 1.00 kilogram of liquid benzene (C6H6) from 20.0 dC to its boling point of 80.1dC and then to completely vaporize the benzene at this same temperature? The specific heat capacity of benzene is 1.74J g-1 0C-1. The molar enthalpy of vaporization of benzene is 1.929 kJ/mole.

In: Chemistry

Consider the following dilution steps from a 3.51 M stock solution of H2SO4. 1. 25. mL...

Consider the following dilution steps from a 3.51 M stock solution of H2SO4. 1. 25. mL of the 3.51 M stock solution is diluted to 150. mL to make soln2. 2. 35. mL of soln2 is diluted to 200. mL to make soln3. 3. 45. mL of soln3 is diluted to 250. mL to make soln4. 4. 50. mL of soln4 is diluted to 300. mL to make soln5. • Calculate the concentration, in M, for soln5. • Derive a single equation to calculate the concentration of soln5 using only the molatiry of the stock solution and the various volumes.

In: Chemistry

1. At 25°C, 298.25 mL of an aqueous solution of NiCl2 with a molar analytical concentration...

1. At 25°C, 298.25 mL of an aqueous solution of NiCl2 with a molar analytical concentration of 0.00004873 M is added to 487.37 mL of an aqueous solution of AlBr3with a molar analytical concentration of 0.00005000 M.

What is the equilibrium concentration of Ni2+ in the resulting solution?

2. What is the equilibrium concentration of Al3+ in the resulting solution?

3. What is the ionic strength of the resulting solution?

4. What is the activity coefficient of Ni2+ in the resulting solution?

5. What is the activity coefficient of Al3+ in the resulting solution?

In: Chemistry

Ammonium bisulfide, NH4HS, forms ammonia, NH3, and hydrogen sulfide, H2S, through the reaction NH4HS(s)⇌NH3(g)+H2S(g) This reaction...

Ammonium bisulfide, NH4HS, forms ammonia, NH3, and hydrogen sulfide, H2S, through the reaction


This reaction has a Kp value of 0.120 at 25 ∘C.An empty 5.00-L flask is charged with 0.350 g of pure H2S(g), at 25 ∘C.

Part A: What is the initial pressure of

H2S(g) in the flask?

Part B: In addition to the

H2S already present in the flask, solid NH4HS is added until there is excess unreacted solid remaining. What are the partial pressures of

NH3 and H2S at equilibrium, that is, what are the values of PNH3and PH2S, respectively?

Part C:What is the mole fraction,

χ, of H2S in the gas mixture at equilibrium?

Part D:What is the minimum mass of

NH4HS that must be added to the 5.00-L flask when charged with the 0.350 g of pure H2S(g), at 25 ∘C to achieve equilibrium?

In: Chemistry

(a) Find ∆G◦ and K at 298.15 K for the gas-phase reaction 2 SO2(g) + O2(g)...

(a) Find ∆G◦ and K at 298.15 K for the gas-phase reaction
2 SO2(g) + O2(g) 2 SO3(g)

(b) If a stoichiometric mixture of SO2 and O2 is allowed to come to equilibrium at 298.15 K and 1.000bar, find the partial pressure of SO2.

In: Chemistry

An analytical chemist is titrating 178.3mL of a 0.3400M solution of acetic acid HCH3CO2 with a...

An analytical chemist is titrating 178.3mL of a 0.3400M solution of acetic acid HCH3CO2 with a 0.2300M solution of NaOH . The pKa of acetic acid is 4.70 . Calculate the pH of the acid solution after the chemist has added 46.70mL of the NaOH solution to it

In: Chemistry

3. How many grams of oxygen are collected in a reaction where 235ml of oxygen gas...

3. How many grams of oxygen are collected in a reaction where 235ml of oxygen gas is collected over water at temp of 25 C and a total pressure of 697 torr

4. a 3.22 g sample of zinc reacts with phosphoric acid to produce hydorgen gas. Find the volume of gas in liters, produced at 766 torr and 25 C

In: Chemistry

(Struc&prop of Mat) If homogeneous nucleation occurs at 900°C in copper (Tmp=1085°C) a. Calculate the critical...

(Struc&prop of Mat)

If homogeneous nucleation occurs at 900°C in copper (Tmp=1085°C)

a. Calculate the critical radius size given that the latent heat of fusion is –1.77 × 109 J/m3 and surface free energy is 0.200 J/m2 .

b. Knowing copper has an fcc structure with lattice constant of 0.3597 nm, estimate the number of atoms in the nucleus

In: Chemistry

6. Provide a reaction to identify aldehydes and ketones, followed by at least two important reactions...

6. Provide a reaction to identify aldehydes and ketones, followed by at least two important reactions to differentiate aldehydes and ketones with examples and explain their reaction mechanism

In: Chemistry


for the lab of
%Fe= c unknown(mol/L) X 1L X 80 X Molarmass Fe(g/mol)   X 100%
                                          Mass of Sample (g)

I am confused about how to find the concentration of the unknown

In this method equal volumes of the unknown are pipetted into several volumetric flasks. Then increasing volumes of the standard are added to each flask and each is diluted to the same final volume. Every flask now contains the same concentration of unknown and different concentrations of standard. (Remember that the standard is the same substance as the unknown). For each flask, a measurement of analytical signal is then made. The equation of the line is y= mx + b, where the x-intercept (the concentration of the unknown) is calculated from the expression x=−b/m

** if you need more information let me know

In: Chemistry

Find one example of a Maillard reaction. Describe what happens during the reaction. Where are the...

Find one example of a Maillard reaction. Describe what happens during the reaction. Where are the ingredients required coming from? What conditions are required? What is the effect produced?

In: Chemistry

1) Calculate the change internal energy (Delta E) for a system that is giving off 32.6...

1) Calculate the change internal energy (Delta E) for a system that is giving off 32.6 kJ of heat and surroundings are performing 975 J of work on the system.

2) Calculate the change in internal energy (Delta E) for a system that is giving off 25.0 kJ of heat and is changing from 12.00 L to 6.00 L in volume at 1.50 atm pressure. (Remember that 101.3 J = 1 L?atm)

Show all work please


In: Chemistry