Secondary prevention of type II diabetes includes monitoring of your patient glucose control. Your patient comes...

Secondary prevention of type II diabetes includes monitoring of your patient glucose control. Your patient comes in confused about their blood tests results. Although he understands his fasting plasma glucose result, he does not understand what the HbA1c percentage means. You explain that an HbA1c level of 8.5% is equivalent to a glucose level of how many mg/dl?

In: Chemistry

An unknown compound has a molecular mass of 180.15 g/mole and an elemental analysis showing that...

An unknown compound has a molecular mass of 180.15 g/mole and an elemental analysis showing that it is 60.00% C and 4.48% H. Determine the molecular formula.

In: Chemistry

Consider the complex trans-Mn(NH3)4(CN)2. What point group is this complex? What is the symmetry for each...

Consider the complex trans-Mn(NH3)4(CN)2. What point group is this complex?

What is the symmetry for each of the d orbitals?

Draw the expected d orbital splitting, and fill with electrons.

In units of Bohr magnetons, what is the electronic contribution to the magnetic susceptibility of this complex?

If we add 1 equivalent of cyanide to a solution of the above complex to replace a NH3 ligand with a CN- ligand, what mechanism should this ligand exchange follow?

What are the individual steps to this mechanism?

What is the ground state term symbol for the product?

What is the proper name of the product?

In: Chemistry

The triprotic acid H3A has ionization constants of Ka1 = 6.2× 10–3, Ka2 = 9.6× 10–9,...

The triprotic acid H3A has ionization constants of Ka1 = 6.2× 10–3, Ka2 = 9.6× 10–9, and Ka3 = 6.3× 10–12. Calculate the following values for a 0.0790 M solution of NaH2A

A)Calculate the following values for a 0.0790 M solution of NaH2A.



B)Calculate the following values for a 0.0790 M solution of Na2HA.



In: Chemistry

The water gas shift reaction involves the reaction of carbon monoxide with water vapor to form...

The water gas shift reaction involves the reaction of carbon monoxide with water vapor to form carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas:

CO(g) + H2O(g) → CO2(g) + H2(g)

28.01 g CO and 9.01 g water vapor are combined in a reaction vessel. At the end of the reaction, a total pressure of 945.3 torr is found.

A.) Which gases are left at the end of the reaction?

B.) What are mole fractions of the gases left in the reaction vessel after the reaction? Clearly identify which mole fraction belongs to which gas, and report all mole fractions to three significant figures.

C.) What is the actual volume of the reaction vessel if the reaction from Question 1 occurred at 115.0oC? Give your answer with the correct unit. Hint: you should be able to find the moles of all gases from the data given.

D.) If the volume of the reaction vessel is somehow changed to 55.3 L at constant temperature, what will the new total pressure of the gas mixture (after the reaction in Question 1) be? Give your answer to the correct number of significant figures and unit.

In: Chemistry

1. What is the maximum mass of iron that can be obtained by the reaction of...

1. What is the maximum mass of iron that can be obtained by the reaction of 65.25 g Fe2O3 and 25.96 g of H2?

Fe2O3(s) + 3H2(g) -> 2 Fe(s) + 3H2O(g)

2. What is the percentage yield for a reaction in which 2.50g of AgCl is obtained from 1.50g of strontium chlorida and a slight excess of silver nitrate?

SrCl2(aq) + 2AgNO3(aq) -> 2AgCl(s) + Sr(NO3)2 (aq)

3. Determine the oxidation numbers for each chemical species. identify the reduced and oxidized chemical species.

2PbO(s) + PbS(s) -> 3Pb(s) + SO2(g)

In: Chemistry

Vapor Pressures of a solid and liquid ammonia near the triple point are given by: log...

Vapor Pressures of a solid and liquid ammonia near the triple point are given by: log P solid/ torr=10.00-1630 K/T log P liquid / torr=8.46-1330 K/T Calculate the ratio of the slopes of the sublimation and vapor pressure curves at the triple point.

In: Chemistry

Looking for a detailed list and explanation of the features found in 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and mass...

Looking for a detailed list and explanation of the features found in 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, and mass spectrometry of RALOXIFENE

In: Chemistry

Explain the principles of the metal ion indicators used in EDTA titration

Explain the principles of the metal ion indicators used in EDTA titration

In: Chemistry

1. Create a C10H22 aliphatic hydrocarbon that contains 2 different substituents. Name it and draw the...

1. Create a C10H22 aliphatic hydrocarbon that contains 2 different substituents. Name it and draw the skeletal structure.

2. Describe the intermolecular forces that cause large hydrocarbons to go from liquid to solid.

3. Draw R and S enantiomers for C4H9Br. Label R and S.

4. Describe the physical property relationship between enantiomers.

5. Explain the differences between kinetically and thermodynamically controlled reactions - draw energy curves to illuminate your explanation.

6. What are bond dissociation energies and why/how are they useful?

In: Chemistry

Consider the following reaction occurring at 298 K: N2O(g)+NO2(g)⇌3NO(g) Part A Show that the reaction is...

Consider the following reaction occurring at 298 K: N2O(g)+NO2(g)⇌3NO(g) Part A Show that the reaction is not spontaneous under standard conditions by calculating ΔG∘rxn.

Part B If a reaction mixture contains only N2O and NO2 at partial pressures of 1.0 atm each, the reaction will be spontaneous until some NO forms in the mixture. What maximum partial pressure of NO builds up before the reaction ceases to be spontaneous?

Part C What temperature is required to make the reaction spontaneous under standard conditions?

In: Chemistry

Suppose you have 1.00 L of an aqueous buffer containing 60.0 mmol benzoic acid (pKa =...

Suppose you have 1.00 L of an aqueous buffer containing 60.0 mmol benzoic acid (pKa = 4.20) and 40.0 mmol benzoate. Calculate the pH of this buffer.

What volume of 5.00 M NaOH would be required to increase the pH to 4.93?

In: Chemistry

George was happy he did so well on his math test after doing poorly on the...

George was happy he did so well on his math test after doing poorly on the last one. He knew he had the ability, but just didn’t study last time. This time he felt confident in his ability and his practice of the material. When it comes to math George has developed a:


Social comparison.


Mastery-oriented attribution.


Learned helplessness attribution.


Gender stereotyped expectation.

5 points   

Question 7

By middle childhood, children who hold flexible beliefs about what boys and girls can do:


Are more likely to be androgynous.


Are more likely to notice instances of gender discrimination.


Get more encouragement from teachers to participate in gender-typed activities.


Show more in-group favoritism.

5 points   

Question 8

One factor that can reduce performance on intelligence tests is a child’s anxiety about being negatively judged based on a preconceived expectation of performance for his or her race, culture, or gender, also known as:


Stereotype threat.


Knowledge threat.


Judgment threat.


Nature threat.

5 points   

Question 9

The most common psychological problem experienced by adolescents is:


Suicidal ideation.




Eating disorders.



5 points   

Question 10

Sternberg identified three types of intelligence that work together in various ways, depending on the task at hand. He describe these three types as:


Logical, spatial, and kinesthetic.


Mathematical, linguistic, and common sense.


Analytical, creative, and linguistic.


Analytical, creative, and practical.

5 points   

Question 11

A contributor to obesity in early childhood is:




Lack of knowledge about proper nutrition.


Family stress.


All of the above.

5 points   

Question 12

Research has identified some advantages and disadvantages of being an only child. Overall, only children report:


Higher self-esteem as compared to children with siblings.


Higher self-rated personality traits.


Better ability to negotiate conflict with peers.


All of the above.

5 points   

Question 13

The families of chronically delinquent youth are more often characterized as:


Low in warmth.


High in conflict.


Use harsh and inconsistent discipline with low monitoring.


All of the above.

5 points   

Question 14

Effective sex education programs have been shown to delay the age of initiation of sex, and to reduce the frequency of sex and the number of sexual partners. Berk (2014) lists effective elements for sex education programs. Which of the following is NOT considered an effective element of sex education:


Parents should avoid or delay talking with their children about sex.


Role-playing techniques for handling potential sexual situations, such as pressure from a date.


Clear, accurate messages based on an adolescent’s culture and experience.


Specific and accurate information about contraceptives.

5 points   

Question 15

Adolescents who are actively involved in a religious community tend to _______________ their peers who are not involved in religious activities.


Score higher in empathy and prosocial behavior as compared to.


To show no significant differences from.


Score lower in empathy and prosocial behavior as compared to.


Report a more fragile sense of moral identity as compared to.

5 points   

Question 16

Although no one was nearby, Eric tells his mother that she is embarrassing him when she asks about his homework on the way to the car. He checks his hair in the mirror when he gets in the car and worries that someone will see that his hair is out of place. Eric is concerned with:


His mother’s inappropriate behavior.


An imaginary audience.


A personal fable.



5 points   

Question 17

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the industrialized country with the highest divorce rate is:


The United Kingdom.


The United States.





5 points   

Question 18

Olivia is preparing for a Friday test of vocabulary words. On Wednesday, Olivia checks her progress on learning the vocabulary words. She is pleased with how well she has learned some of them, but is having a harder time with others. She decides to look some up on the Internet to get additional help in understanding them. She checks her progress again on Thursday. Olivia is using the process of ____________ to help her reach her goal.


Cognitive mapping.


Cognitive self-regulation.


Whole language approach.


Phonics approach.

5 points   

Question 19

Which of the following about children from divorced parents is NOT accurate?


Children of high conflict families tend to transition better to a single parent home following divorce.


Children of low conflict families tend transition better to a single parent home following divorce.


Children adjust better when parents are able to coparent cooperatively following divorce.


Children adjust better when they have frequent and warm contact with the noncustodial parent.

5 points   

Question 20

As they are developing identities, many adolescents from immigrant cultures experience a clash, or ______________ due to conflicting pressures between family values and the host culture.


Identity domains.


Acculturation stress.


Cultural bias.


Identity status.

In: Chemistry

Consider the following reaction: I2(g)+Cl2(g)⇌2ICl(g) Kp= 81.9 at 25 ∘C. Calculate ΔGrxn for the reaction at...

Consider the following reaction:

Kp= 81.9 at 25 ∘C.
Calculate ΔGrxn for the reaction at 25 ∘C under each of the following conditions.

PICl= 2.65 atm ;
PI2= 0.325 atm ;
PCl2= 0.212 atm .

In: Chemistry

Traditional solder is a low melting point alloy of lead and tin. (Some countries havemandated the...

Traditional solder is a low melting point alloy of lead and tin. (Some countries havemandated the future use of lead-free solders, because of concerns relating to theenvironmental consequences of lead use and disposal.) Using appropriate data gleaned from the textbook, explain

(i)  why lead has very limited solubility in solid tin (hardly any lead will dissolve in tin at room temperature);

(ii) why tin is moderately soluble in solid lead (approximately 3.5% of the atoms in lead can be replaced by tin at room temperature).

In: Chemistry