14. Define the following in your own words Specific heat capacity State function Standard State Enthalpy...

14. Define the following in your own words

Specific heat capacity

State function

Standard State

Enthalpy change



In: Chemistry

NO3-(aq)+4H+(aq)+3e->NO(g)+2H2O(l) E=0.96V ClO2(g)+e->ClO2-(aq) E=0.95V Cu2+(aq)+2e->Cu(s) E=0.34V 2H+(aq)+2e->H2(g) E=0.00V Pb2+(aq)+2e->Pb(s) E=-0.13V Fe2+(aq)+2e->Fe(s) E=-0.45V Use appropriate data to...

NO3-(aq)+4H+(aq)+3e->NO(g)+2H2O(l) E=0.96V
ClO2(g)+e->ClO2-(aq) E=0.95V
Cu2+(aq)+2e->Cu(s) E=0.34V
2H+(aq)+2e->H2(g) E=0.00V
Pb2+(aq)+2e->Pb(s) E=-0.13V
Fe2+(aq)+2e->Fe(s) E=-0.45V

Use appropriate data to calculate E?cell for the reaction.

Express your answer using two decimal places.

In: Chemistry

When magnesium metal and an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid combine, they produce an aqueous solution...

When magnesium metal and an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid combine, they produce an aqueous solution of magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas. Using the equation, Mg (s) + 2HCl (aq) → MgCl2 (aq) + H2 (g), if 24.3 g of Mg and 75.0 g of HCl are allowed to react, calculate the mass of MgCl2 that is produced

In: Chemistry

Predict the products for the following reactions. If no reaction will occur, write NR. Remember to...

Predict the products for the following reactions. If no reaction will occur, write NR. Remember to balance all reactions and include states of matter.

1.) Cu^2+ (aq) + Au (s) -->

2. Ni^2+ (aq) + Na (s) -->

In: Chemistry

Using the following balance equation P4 (s) + 6F2 (g) ----> 4PF3 (g) What mass of...

Using the following balance equation P4 (s) + 6F2 (g) ----> 4PF3 (g)

What mass of F2 is needed to produce 120. g of PF3 if the reaction has a 78.1% yield?

In: Chemistry

To convert from a given quantity of one reactant or product to the quantity of another...

To convert from a given quantity of one reactant or product to the quantity of another reactant or product: First, convert the given quantity to moles. Use molar masses to convert masses to moles, and use Avogadro's number (6.02×1023 particles per mole) to convert number of particles to moles. Next, convert moles of the given reactant or product to moles of the desired reactant or product using the coefficients of the balanced chemical equation. For example, in the chemical equation 2H2+O2→2H2O the coefficients tell us that 2 mol of H2 reacts with 1 mol of O2 to produce 2 mol of H2O. Finally, convert moles of the desired reactant or product back to the desired units. Again, use molar masses to convert from moles to masses, and use Avogadro's number to convert from moles to number of particles.

Hydrogen gas, H2, reacts with nitrogen gas, N2, to form ammonia gas, NH3, according to the equation 3H2(g)+N2(g)→2NH3(g)

NOTE: Throughout this tutorial use molar masses expressed to five significant figures.

Part A: How many moles of NH3 can be produced from 21.0 mol of H2 and excess N2?

Part B: How many grams of NH3 can be produced from 4.99 mol of N2 and excess H2.

Part C: How many grams of H2 are needed to produce 12.43 g of NH3?

Part D: How many molecules (not moles) of NH3 are produced from 4.35×10−4 g of H2?

In: Chemistry

i need to design the experiment for 5th and 6th grade students, the experiment also should...

i need to design the experiment for 5th and 6th grade students, the experiment also should exciting the student , please do copy and paste from the internet. with all of these parts: purpose, introduction, procedure, data collection, results and conclusion and should be the safe experiment.

In: Chemistry

2) The ferrous ion-orthophenanthroline complex can be used to analyze for Fe(II) by using the absorption...

2) The ferrous ion-orthophenanthroline complex can be used to analyze for Fe(II) by using the absorption of this complex at 508 nm. A group of samples is known to contain between 0.1 and 0.2 g of Fe. A known sample containing 100 mg of Fe per liter was treated according to protocol, and the absorbance on a filter photometer was set to 0. The absorbance of a second standard containing 200 mg Fe per liter was then determined to be 0.795. What is the concentration of the unknown, which was then found to have an absorbance of 0.650?

In: Chemistry

Use average atomic masses to calculate the number of moles of the element present in each...

Use average atomic masses to calculate the number of moles of the element present in each of the following samples.

(a) 66.76 g of fluorine atoms

(b) 405.0 mg of mercury

(c) 84.04 g of silicon

(d) 48.65 g of platinum

(e) 2426 g of magnesium

(f) 47.77 g of molybdenum

In: Chemistry

A solution contains 0.1 m total carbonate (H2CO3 + HCO3- + CO32-). a. If the pH...

A solution contains 0.1 m total carbonate (H2CO3 + HCO3- + CO32-).

a. If the pH is 6, find the concentration of each carbonate species present.

b. If the solution contains also 10-4 m Ca2+, is it saturated, unsaturated, or supersaturated with respect to CaCO3?

In: Chemistry

1) Ringer's injection contain 0.86% of sodium chloride, 0.03% of potassium chloride, and 0.033% of calcium...

1) Ringer's injection contain 0.86% of sodium chloride, 0.03% of potassium chloride, and 0.033% of calcium chloride dihydrate. Calculate the sodium, potassium, calcium, and chloride content in mEq/L.

2). If a liter of an intravenous fluid contains 5% dextrose and 34 mEq sodium (as NaCl), calculate the percent strength of sodium chloride in the solution.

3). A flavored potassium chloride packet contains 1.5 g of potassium chloride. Hoe many milliequivalents of potassium chloride are represented in each packet?

4). How many milliequivalents of Li+ are provided by a daily dose of our 300 mg tablets of lithium carbonate (Li2CO2- MW 74).

34). A physician wishes to administer 1,200,000 units of penicillin G potassium every 4 hours. If 1 unit of penicillin G potassium (C16H17KN2O4S- mw. 372) equals 0.6 mcg, how many milliequivalents of K+ will the patient receive in a 24-hours period?

36). How many milligrams of magnesium sulfate (MgSO4. 120) should be added to an intravenous solution to provide 5 mEq of Mg2+ per liter? 41). A normal 70kg (154Ib) adult has 80 to 100g of sodium. It is primarily distributed in the extracellular fluid. Body retention of 1 g additional of sodium results in excess body water accumulation of approximately 310 mL. If a person retains 100mEq of extra sodium, how many milliliters of additional water could be expected to be retained?

44). The usual adult dose of calcium for elevating serium calcium is 7 to 14 mEq. How many milliliters of a calcium gluceptate injection, ech milliliter of which provides 18 mg of element calcium, would provide the recommended dosage range?

46) Calculate the milliequivalents of chloride per liter of the folllowing parenteral fluid: Sodium Chloride 516mg Potassium Chloride 89.4mg Calcium Chloride, anhyd 27.8 mg Magnesium chloride, anhyd 14.2 mg Sodium lactate, anhyd. 560mg Water for injection ad. 100mL

48). GOLYTELY, a colon lavage preparation, conatins the following mixture of dry powder in each packet to prepare one gallon of solution: Sodium sulfate 21.5g Sodium chloride 5.53g Potassium chloride 2.82g Sodium bicarbonate 6.36g Polyethylene glycol (3350) 227.1g

52). A solution contains 322 mg of Na+ ions per liter. How many milliosmoles are represented in the solution?

54). Calculate the osmolarity, in milliosmoles per liter, of a parenteral solution containing 2 mEq/mL of potassium acetate (KC2H3O2- mw 98).

57). A hospital medication order calls for the administration of 100g of mannitol to a patient as an osmotic diuretic over a 24-hours period. Calculate. a) how many milliliters of a 15% w/v mannitol injection should be administered per hour and b0 how many milliosmoles of mannnitol (mw 182) would be represented in the prescribed dosage.

In: Chemistry

protein molecules are polypetide chains are made up of amino acids in their phisologically functoning or...

protein molecules are polypetide chains are made up of amino acids in their phisologically functoning or native state these chains fold in a unique manner such that the nonpolar groups of the amino acids are usually burired in the interior region of the proteins where there is little or no contact with water. when a protein denatures the chain unfolds so that these non polar groups are exposed to water. a useful estimate of the changes of the thermodynamic quantities as a result of denturation is to consider the transfer of hydrocarbon such as methane from an invert solvent to the aqueous enviroment:

a) CH4 => CH4 ​(g)

b) CH4​=> CH4 (aq)

if the values of delta H and delta G are approximately 2.0 kJ/ mol and -14.5 kj/mol respectively for (a) and -13.5 kJ / mol and 26.5 kJ/mol , respectively for b) calulate the values of delta H and delta G for the transfer of 1 mole of CH4

​according to the equation

CH4 =>CH4 (aq)

comment on your results assume T = 298 k

In: Chemistry

The following questions refer to the following system: 500.0 mL of 0.020 M Mn(NO3)2 are mixed...

The following questions refer to the following system: 500.0 mL of 0.020 M Mn(NO3)2 are mixed with 1.0 L of 1.0 M Na2C2O4. The oxalate ion, C2O4, acts as a ligand to form a complex ion with the Mn2+ ion with a coordination number of two.

Mn2+ + C2O42

In: Chemistry

Ascorbic acid( C6H8O6) is a diprotic acid. (ka1=6.8*10^-5, ka2=2.7*10^-12) What is the pH of a solution...

Ascorbic acid( C6H8O6) is a diprotic acid. (ka1=6.8*10^-5, ka2=2.7*10^-12)

What is the pH of a solution that contains 4.4 mg of acid per milliliter of solution?

In: Chemistry

Starting with 7.2 g of salicylic acid, how many grams of acetylsalicylic acid (theoretical yield) can...

Starting with 7.2 g of salicylic acid, how many grams of acetylsalicylic acid (theoretical yield) can be made? Assume salicylic acid is the limiting reagent and a one to one stoichiometry. Use the molecular weights that you have already calculated. Give two significant digits.

In: Chemistry