A certain weak acid, HA, has a Ka value of 7.3

A certain weak acid, HA, has a Ka value of 7.3

In: Chemistry

Explain how the induced, orientation, and dipersion interactions trend between HCl, HBr, and HI. Why do...

Explain how the induced, orientation, and dipersion interactions trend between HCl, HBr, and HI. Why do the dipersion interactions increase from HCl to HI? Why do the orientation interactions decrease from HCl to HI? Why are induced interactions greatest in HCl and lowest in HI?

In: Chemistry

Use the density and molecular weight of limonene, linalool, and nonane to calculate the volumes of...

Use the density and molecular weight of limonene, linalool, and nonane to calculate the volumes of the compounds you will need to make the stock solution of 50 mM. Also calculate the final concentration of those solutions after dilution.

Nonane: d = 0.718 g/mL, MW = 128.26, 99% pure

Limonene: d = 0.84 g/mL MW = 136.24, 96% pure

Linalool: d = 0.861 g/mL, MW = 154.25, 97% pure.

Preparing in 10mL volumetric flask.

In: Chemistry

1. Suppose 50.00 mL of 2.0 × 10–4 M Fe(NO3)3 is added to 50.00 mL of...

1. Suppose 50.00 mL of 2.0 × 10–4 M Fe(NO3)3 is added to 50.00 mL of 2.0 ×10-6 M KIO3. Which of the following statements is true? For Fe(IO3)3, Ksp = 1.0 × 10–14.
A) A precipitate forms because Qc > Ksp.
B) A precipitate forms because Qc < Ksp.

C) No precipitate forms because Qc < Ksp.

D) No precipitate forms because Qc = Ksp.

E) No precipitate forms because Qc > Ksp.

2. For which of the following reactions is ∆S° > 0 at 25°C?

A) 2H2(g) + O2(g) → 2H2O(g)
B) 2ClBr(g) → Cl2(g) + Br2(g)
C) I2(g) → I2(s)

D) 2NO(g) + O2(g) → 2NO2(g)

E) NH4HS(s) → NH3(g) + H2S(g

3. What is E of the following cell reaction at 25°C? Cu(s) | Cu2+(0.017 M) || Ag(s), (Ag+ = 0.18M)

E°cell = 0.460 V.

A) 0.468V

B) 0.282 V

C) 0.460 V

D) 0.490 V

E) 0.479V

In: Chemistry

The recommended dose of quinine is 0.800 g/kg. If we assume the density is 1 g/ml...

The recommended dose of quinine is 0.800 g/kg. If we assume the density is 1 g/ml what is the ph of this solution? the molar mass of quinine is 324.412. If 100 ml of this solution is titrated with a solution of 0.010 M HCL how many ml of HCL are required to reach the first equivalence point? what is the ph there? What is the PH when 32 ML of HCL have been added? what is the ph at the second equivalence point? what species of quinine is predominant at a ph of 2.5(in the stomach)? and 7.4 (in the blood)

Kb1= 1.0x10-6

Kb2= 1.58x10-10

In: Chemistry

The use of TLC to monitor the reaction of vanillin with enzymes produced by yeast relies...

The use of TLC to monitor the reaction of vanillin with enzymes produced by yeast relies on the fact that the reactant and product are expected to have very different Rf values. Could you use the same approach to monitor other reactions in which the reactant and product have very different Rf values? Explain this concept clearly, using diagrams to illustrate what you would expect to observe during a TLC analysis (as the reaction progresses toward completion) when the product is much less polar than the reactant.

In: Chemistry

1) Classify each of the following as a mixture, a compound, or an element? table sugar,...

1) Classify each of the following as a mixture, a compound, or an element?

table sugar, propane, bronze, tea, vinegar, dry ice, oxygen, aluminum

2) Select the statements that pertain to elements. Select all the statements that apply.
a) These can be broken down by physical means.
b) These cannot be broken down by chemical means.
c) These combine chemically to form new substances; they are building blocks of matter.
d) These are chemical combinations of simpler forms of matter.
e) These are pure substances.

3) Which of the following are chemical changes? Check all that apply.
a) sugar is dissolved in water
b) a warm coke bottle fizzes when opened
c) the copper roof turns green over time
d) baking soda is dissolved in vinegar and bubbles appear
e) a fog appears on your windshield in cold weather

4) Classify each property as physical or chemical.

a)susceptibility to rust

b) flammability

c) boiling point

d) melting point

e) conductivity

f) color

5) Which of these substances are elements? Check all that apply.

a) silicon

b) iodine

c) lead

d) quartz

e) silicone

f) water

In: Chemistry

1. Consider the following generic reaction: 2A + B + C -> 2D +3E From the...


Consider the following generic reaction:

2A + B + C -> 2D +3E

From the following initial rate determinations, write the rate law for the reaction, determine the overall order for the reaction and calculate the rate constant, k.

Initial rate [A] [B] [C]

1.27x10^-4 Ms^-1 0.0125M 0.0125M 0.0125M

2.56x10^-4 Ms^-1 0.0250M   0.0125M 0.0125M

1.27x10^-4 Ms^-1 0.0125M   0.0250M 0.0125M

5.06x10^-4 Ms^-1 0.0125M 0.0125M 0.0250M

2. Consider the following reaction and its rate law:

2N2O5 -> 4NO2 + O2; rate = k[N2O5]

At 25 degrees Celsius, the half-life for this reaction is 96.3 minutes; calculate the initial N2O5 concentration, [N2O5]o, if [N2O5] = 1.80x10^-2 M after 60.0 minutes when the reaction proceeds at 25 degrees Celsius.

In: Chemistry

An intravenous electrolyte solution has a Na+ ion concentration of 154 mEq/L. If a patient in...

An intravenous electrolyte solution has a Na+ ion concentration of 154 mEq/L. If a patient in the hospital receives 1500 mL if this solution how many equivalents have they received?

In: Chemistry

A 10.0-ml solution of 0.780 M NH3 is titrated with a 0.260 M HCL solution. calculate...

A 10.0-ml solution of 0.780 M NH3 is titrated with a 0.260 M HCL solution. calculate the pH after the following additions of the hcl solution:

A. 0.00

B. 10.0

C. 30.0

D. 40.0

In: Chemistry

briefly describe the theory of gas chromatography and the function of a basic gas chromatogram?

briefly describe the theory of gas chromatography and the function of a basic gas chromatogram?

In: Chemistry

What mass of dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) should be dissolved 20.9 moles of dihydrogen monoxide (H2O) for the...

What mass of dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) should be dissolved 20.9 moles of dihydrogen monoxide (H2O) for the resulting solution to have a freezing point of -0.0183 degrees Celcius? The freezing point of pure dihydrogen monoxide is 0.00 degrees Celcius and Kf = 1.86 degrees Celcius/m.

In: Chemistry

5. In the titration of 15.00 mL of a 0.1000 M acetic acid solution by a...

5. In the titration of 15.00 mL of a 0.1000 M acetic acid solution by a 0.1000 M NaOH solution, find the pH of the solution being titrated when

a) 0.00 mL of NaOH has been added

b) 5.00 mL of NaOH has been added

c) 7.50 mL of NaOH has been added

d) 14.90 mL of NaOH has been added

e) 15.00 mL of NaOH has been added

f) 30.00 mL of NaOH has been added

In: Chemistry

Chemistry: Calorimetry and Heats of Reaction Mass of water in styrofoam cup: 100g Mass of KCl:...

Chemistry: Calorimetry and Heats of Reaction

Mass of water in styrofoam cup: 100g

Mass of KCl: 1.650g

Initial Temperature: 20.6degC

Final Temperature: 19.6degC

q=(75g)(1.0 cal/g x degC)(-1degC)= -75cal

qreaction= -qcontents

-75 cal = 75 cal --> 0.075kCal

1.650g KCl = 0.2214 mol KCl

0.075kCal/0.02214mol = 3.39kCal mol KCl

Is this the standard heat of solution?

If this is the standard heat of solution, how would I determine the percent error of my result?

I was given this equation:

Percent error = |lit value - exptl value/lit value| x 100

with this information:

KCl(s) --> K+(g) + Cl-(g) dH=167.1kCal/mol

K+(g) + Cl-(g --> dH=163.0 kCal/mol

KCl(s) --> K+(aq) + Cl-(aq) dH=??

I know this question was super long. I'm sorry I'm confused and I'm not really sure where to begin.

In: Chemistry

Dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) decomposes in chloroform as a solvent to yield NO2 and O2. The decomposition...

Dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5) decomposes in chloroform as a solvent to yield NO2 and O2. The decomposition is first order with a rate constant at 45 ∘C of 1.0×10−5s−1.

Calculate the partial pressure of O2 produced from 1.47 L of 0.605 M N2O5 solution at 45 ∘C over a period of 18.5 h if the gas is collected in a 11.4-L container. (Assume that the products do not dissolve in chloroform.)

In: Chemistry