What are the physical and chemical properties of the spice cumin?

What are the physical and chemical properties of the spice cumin?

In: Chemistry

Chapter 7 is about Acids and Bases and Chapter 8 is about Oxidation Reduction. Write on...

Chapter 7 is about Acids and Bases and Chapter 8 is about Oxidation Reduction. Write on one topic Antacids or Batteries. Choose 4 products, check the labels, list the active ingredients, and discuss in reasonable detail its use, side effects or toxicity, precaution and proper disposal

In: Chemistry

The combustion of 0.4196 g of hydrocarbon releases 17.55 kJ of heat. The masses of the...

The combustion of 0.4196 g of hydrocarbon releases 17.55 kJ of heat. The masses of the products are 1.418 g of carbon dioxide (CO2) and 0.290 g of water (H2O). The standard formation enthalpy for CO2(g) and H2O(l) are −393.5 kJ/mol and −285.8 kJ/mol, respectively.

(a) What is the empirical formula of the compound?

(b) If the approximate molar mass of the compound is 76 g/mol, calculate the standard enthalpy of formation.








In: Chemistry

Ethylene oxide is produced by the catalytic oxidation of ethylene: C2H4(g)+12 O2(g)→C2H4O(g) An undesired competing reaction...

Ethylene oxide is produced by the catalytic oxidation of ethylene:

C2H4(g)+12 O2(g)→C2H4O(g)

An undesired competing reaction is the combustion of ethylene to CO2.

The feed to a reactor contains 2 mol C2H4/mol O2. The conversion and yield in the reactor are respectively 25% and 0.70 mol C2H4O produced/mol C2H4 consumed. A multiple-unit process separates the reactor outlet stream components: C2H4and O2 are recycled to the reactor, C2H4O is sold, and CO2 and H2O are discarded. The reactor inlet and outlet streams are each at 450°C, and the fresh feed and all species leaving the separation process are at 25°C. The combined fresh feed-recycle stream is preheated to 450°C.


Taking a basis of 2 mol of ethylene entering the reactor, draw and label a flowchart of the complete process (show the separation process as a single unit) and calculate the molar amounts and compositions of all process streams.

In: Chemistry

What is involved in a multistep synthesis? What are some challenges and opportunities?

What is involved in a multistep synthesis? What are some challenges and opportunities?

In: Chemistry

A student designs an ammeter (a device that measures electrical current) that is based on the...

A student designs an ammeter (a device that measures electrical current) that is based on the electrolysis of water into hydrogen and oxygen gases. When electrical current of unknown magnitude is run through the device for 2.00 min , 14.7 mL of water-saturated H2(g) is collected. The temperature and pressure of the system are 25 ∘C and 715 torr.

How many moles of hydrogen gas are produced? 5.47*10^-4 mol

Calculate the magnitude of the current in amperes if the number of moles of hydrogen gas produced is 5.47×10−4 mol (from part A).


In: Chemistry

Write chemical equations for the five reactions described: The first reaction involves the oxidation of copper...

Write chemical equations for the five reactions described:

The first reaction involves the oxidation of copper with nitric acid, resulting in a blue-green colored copper (II) nitrate, Cu(NO3)2, solution.

The second reaction involves adding sodium hydroxide. This results in a double replacement or precipitation reaction produces a milky-blue copper (II) hydroxide solid.

The third reaction involves decomposition of the of the hydroxide compound to a black copper (II) oxide solid while applying heat.

After filtering the oxide, sulfuric acid is added to the solid to produce a blue copper (II) sulfate solution in a double replacement, or more specifically an acid-base reaction.

Finally, solid elemental copper is recovered through a single replacement reaction by the addition of zinc metal filings.

In: Chemistry

You find an old bottle of aspirin whose shelf life is expired. Assuming you have a...

You find an old bottle of aspirin whose shelf life is expired. Assuming you have a bad headache, you have no other access to fresh aspirin, and you have a strong stomach can you expect to get relief from this outdated aspirin? Explain your reasoning.

In: Chemistry

Calculate [H3O + ] for a 2.5 x 10-4 M solution of weak acid (Ka =...

Calculate [H3O + ] for a 2.5 x 10-4 M solution of weak acid (Ka = 5.3 x 10-4 )

  • A.

    1.4 x 10-4 M

  • B.

    2.1 x 10-4 M

  • C.

    6.2 x 10-4 M

  • D.

    7.3 x 10-4 M

  • E.

    1.9 x 10-4 M

In: Chemistry

A pure, low molecular weight hydrocarbon gas is burnt in a furnace giving a flue gas...

A pure, low molecular weight hydrocarbon gas is burnt in a furnace giving a flue gas containing

10.8% CO 2 , 3.8% O 2 and the remainder nitrogen. Calculate the atomic ratio, H/C, and from this

the formula of the fuel. Note that this analysis is on a dry basis.

2nd part:

Calculate the analysis of the flue gases resulting from the combustion of ethane with 100%

excess air. Give the results on a dry basis.

In: Chemistry

A mixture of oxygen and nitrogen gases is maintained in a 7.17 L flask at a...

A mixture of oxygen and nitrogen gases is maintained in a 7.17 L flask at a pressure of 1.53 atm and a temperature of 41°C. If the gas mixture contains 8.88 grams of oxygen, the number of grams of nitrogen in the mixture is  g.

A mixture of methane and argon gases, in a 6.68 L flask at 43 °C, contains 1.35 grams of methane and 5.20 grams of argon. The partial pressure of argon in the flask is  atm and the total pressure in the flask is  atm.

In: Chemistry

At equilibrium, the concentrations in this system were found to be [N2]=[O2]=0.200 M[N2]=[O2]=0.200 M and [NO]=0.400...

At equilibrium, the concentrations in this system were found to be [N2]=[O2]=0.200 M[N2]=[O2]=0.200 M and [NO]=0.400 M.[NO]=0.400 M.


If more NONO is added, bringing its concentration to 0.700 M,0.700 M, what will the final concentration of NONO be after equilibrium is re‑established?


In: Chemistry

Gaseous ethane CH3CH3 reacts with gaseous oxygen gas O2 to produce gaseous carbon dioxide CO2 and...

Gaseous ethane CH3CH3 reacts with gaseous oxygen gas O2 to produce gaseous carbon dioxide CO2 and gaseous water H2O. If 2.19g of carbon dioxide is produced from the reaction of 2.7g of ethane and 3.2g of oxygen gas, calculate the percent yield of carbon dioxide. Round your answer to 2 significant figures.

In: Chemistry

What is the relationship between % transmittance and concentration?

What is the relationship between % transmittance and concentration?

In: Chemistry

explain how a QIAprep spin miniprep purification column (( with silica gel functional group (silanol))) works...

explain how a QIAprep spin miniprep purification column (( with silica gel functional group (silanol))) works in regards to pH / pKa for binding and elution of DNA

In: Chemistry