How much heat is evolved in converting 1.00 mol of steam at 150.0 ∘C to ice...

How much heat is evolved in converting 1.00 mol of steam at 150.0 ∘C to ice at -50.0 ∘C? The heat capacity of steam is 2.01 J/(g⋅∘C) and of ice is 2.09 J/(g⋅∘C).

In: Chemistry

Describe an ether synthesis.

Describe an ether synthesis.

In: Chemistry

A) what is the definition of an "amhiprotic" substance? B) Illustrate with two equations how the...

A) what is the definition of an "amhiprotic" substance?

B) Illustrate with two equations how the dihydrogen phosphate anion is amphiprotic:

C) Validate/illustrate your answer to part (B) with two balanced equations and their Keqs.

D)Would a solution of potassium dihydrogen phophate be acidic or basic?

In: Chemistry

Answer the following chemistry question: 3. (a)  The pKa for ferric ion Fe(+3) is 2.   The pKa for...

Answer the following chemistry question:

3. (a)  The pKa for ferric ion Fe(+3) is 2.   The pKa for cupric ion Cu(+2) is 9.  

              Which is a stronger Bronsted acid?  Give and explain two reasons for the ten million-fold difference in their acidities

b)  The Ksp for silver tarnish, that is the black Ag2S, is 10-39, one of the smallest values indicating a VERY insoluble solid.  Why is silver sulfide so insoluble?

In: Chemistry

Compare the energy cost, in ATP equivalents, of synthesizing stearate from mitochondrial acetyl-CoA to the energy...

Compare the energy cost, in ATP equivalents, of synthesizing

stearate from mitochondrial acetyl-CoA to the energy recovered by

degrading stearate to CO2


In: Chemistry

Iron-56 has one of the highest binding energies of all nuclides. Calculate its nuclear binding energy...

Iron-56 has one of the highest binding energies of all nuclides. Calculate its nuclear binding energy in
kJ per mol nucleon. 1 amu is equivalent to 1.492 ´ 10-10 J.

mass of iron-56 nuclide 55.934994 amu (includes electrons)
proton mass 1.00728 amu
neutron mass 1.00866 amu
electron mass 5.4858 ´ 10–4 amu
speed of light 2.998 ´ 108 m/s

In: Chemistry

Ethanol melts at -114.0 ∘C. The enthalpy of fusion is 5.02 kJ/mol and the enthalpy of...

Ethanol melts at -114.0 ∘C. The enthalpy of fusion is 5.02 kJ/mol and the enthalpy of vaporization is 38.6 kJ/mol. The specific heats of solid and liquid ethanol are 0.970 J/g⋅K and 2.30 J/g⋅K, respectively.

How much heat is needed to convert 39.0 g of solid ethanol at -160.0 ∘C to liquid ethanol at -35.0 ∘C ?

I am really confused on this, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

In: Chemistry

Add the physical state for each substance in the following aqueous reactions. Then write and balance...

Add the physical state for each substance in the following aqueous reactions. Then write and balance a net ionic equation for each reaction. (a) Cr2(SO4)3 + KOH → Cr(OH)3 + K2SO4 (aq) (s) (g) (l) (aq) (s) (g) (l) (aq) (s) (g) (l) (aq) (s) (g) (l) AP 17 (b) K2CrO4 + PbCl2 → KCl + PbCrO4 (aq) (s) (g) (l) (aq) (s) (g) (l) (aq) (s) (g) (l) (aq) (s) (g) (l) AP 34 (c) Na2SO3 + H2SO4 → Na2SO4 + H2O + SO2 (aq) (s) (g) (l) (aq) (s) (g) (l) (aq) (s) (g) (l) (aq) (s) (g) (l) (aq) (s) (g) (l) AP 55

In: Chemistry

A one molar solution of the weak base methylamine, CH3NH2 is diluted with water until the...

A one molar solution of the weak base methylamine, CH3NH2 is diluted with water until the concentration is ½ molar. Which of the following statements are correct for this process?

1. [OH-] / [CH3NH3+] remains constant.

2. pH decreases.

3. The % ionization decreases.

  • A.

    1 only

  • B.

    3 only

  • C.

    1 & 2 only

  • D.

    2 only

  • E.

    2 & 3 only

In: Chemistry

1.How many coulombs are required to produce 47.9 g of cobalt metal from a solution of...

1.How many coulombs are required to produce 47.9 g of cobalt metal from a solution of aqueous cobalt (III)chloride Use scientific (E) notation with 2 numbers after the decimal point.

2.How many grams of chromium may be formed by the passage of 95,469 C through an electrolytic cell that contains an aqueous Cr(IV) salt.

3.What product(s) forms at the anode in the electrolysis of an aqueous solution of SnSO4?

In: Chemistry

aluminum sulfide and water react to form aluminum hydroxide and hydrogen sulfide gas. suppose 128.00 g...

aluminum sulfide and water react to form aluminum hydroxide and hydrogen sulfide gas. suppose 128.00 g of aluminum are added to 154.45 mL of water(d=1.00 g/ml). Answer the following questions.

a).before the reaction, how many water molecules are present in the reaction mixture?

b) when the reaction is finished. what mass, in g, of aluminum hydroxide can theoretically be produced?

c) limiting reactant?

d) mass in grams of remaining excessreactant if the theoretical yield of aluminum hydroxide is obtained?

e)if the percent yield is 87.6% under these conditions what is the actual yiel of product aluminum hydroxide?

please show how you solve

In: Chemistry

12. Calculate the pH of a 0.10 M solution of potassium formate, KHCOO. Ka of formic...

12. Calculate the pH of a 0.10 M solution of potassium formate, KHCOO. Ka of formic acid (HCOOH) = 1.8 x 10^-4. Write the dissociation equation and label each ion as acidic, basic, or neutral. Also write the hydrolysis equation.

Dissociation equation: _____________________________________ cation: __________ anion: __________

Hydrolysis equation: _________________________________________________________________________

In: Chemistry

10. (9 pt) What reagents and collisions are needed to complete the following reaction? Give a...

10. (9 pt) What reagents and collisions are needed to complete the following reaction? Give a complete mechanism, and use a free energy reaction coordinate diagram to show WHY the desired product is formed rather than other potential products. Are you using kinetic or thermodynamic control?

2,3-diethyl-1,3-butadiene -> racemic mixture of R and S versions of 3-bromo-2-ethyl-3-methyl-1-pentene

In: Chemistry

One liter of a 0.1M Tris buffer (pKa=8.3) is adjusted to a pH of 2.0. A)...

One liter of a 0.1M Tris buffer (pKa=8.3) is adjusted to a pH of 2.0. A) What are the concentrations of the conjugate base and weak acid at this pH? B) What is the pH when 1.5mL of 3.0M HCl is added to this buffer? Is Tris a good buffer at this pH? Why? C) What is the pH when 1.5mL of 3.0M NaOH is added to this buffer?

In: Chemistry

At a particular temperature the equilibrium constant for the reaction: H2(g) + F2(g) ⇔ 2HF(g) is...

At a particular temperature the equilibrium constant for the reaction: H2(g) + F2(g) ⇔ 2HF(g) is K = 25.0. A reaction mixture in a 10.00-L flask contains 0.33 moles each of hydrogen and fluorine gases plus 0.30 moles of HF. What will be the concentration of H2 when this mixture reaches equilibrium?

In: Chemistry