
In: Operations Management

Assignment Question(s): Part-1 1.   Define motivation and explain three motivational theory from the chapter. What kinds...

Assignment Question(s):


1.   Define motivation and explain three motivational theory from the chapter. What kinds of needs motivate employees? Is a good reward good enough? How do other factors affect motivation?

2.   What are the types of incentives I might use to influence employee behaviour? How

can I use compensation and other rewards to motivate people?

Use at least 3 scientific references to support your answers. Follow APA-style when referencing.


Students sometime report negative experiences when working with teams, particularly if they have experienced a social-loafer in the group. Some argue that social loafing is less prevalent in the workplace because the rewards and sanctions are more closely aligned to individual performance. An interesting argument for individuals' willingness to work and contribute in a group has been posed by Fishbach and colleagues. They argue that identification with others in the group and the group goal is fundamental to an individual's choice to opt into and participate effectively within the group.

3.   How important do you think group identification really is to an individual's motivation to work on a task? Do you think this could differ between individuals? What other factors would be relevant?

4.   Can you identify an alignment between the argument posed by Fishbach and colleagues          to other models or theories of motivation posed throughout this chapter?

5. What strategies could you use to improve group identification, goal commitment and member motivation when working in a group?


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Part 1...

Definition of Motivation-- As the word motivation comes it indicates an inner urge to achieve the goal, and the driving force is needs, desire, and wants. It's an internal process to accomplish the goals by stimulating people to action.

The three motivational theories are---

1. Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory-- This hierarchy of needs theory was proposed by Abraham Maslow in 1943. As per the theory, every individual possesses the five needs within themselves, though the urgency of needs may vary from individual to individual. The five needs are as follows-



c Social


e Self Actualization.

2.Herzberg's two factors theory:- Frederick Herzberg, a behavioral scientist had proposed the motivator-hygiene theory or two factors theory in 1959. As per Frederick, satisfaction, and dissatisfaction result due to some job factors. As per Frederick, the opposite of Dissatisfaction is No dissatisfaction while the opposite of satisfaction is no satisfaction.

3.Theory X and Theory Y:- Douglas Mcgregor has formulated the Theory X and Theory Y in 1960 citing the two different aspects of human behavior at work. Theory X suggests negative views of an employee while Theory Y suggests positive views of an employee.

There are 5 kinds of needs that motivate the employees----Physiological, Safety, Social, Esteem, and Self Actualization.

A good reward is good enough only for a particular achievement to motivate the employee, but if the management wants consistent results then the employee's needs must be fulfilled.

The other factors affect motivation are responsibility, advancement, salary structure, recognition, employee achievement, appreciation, and perception of their job.


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People can be motivated by compensation and other cash rewards to perform because in this way they feel to earn extra money to fulfill their needs and gets importance in the organization.

Part 2-

Though group identification is really an important part to play to an individual's motivation, sometimes an individual is not given due importance in the group due to many factors and then that individual feels demotivated and it ultimately affects the group performance as well as the individual.

Fishbach and Colleagues suggested that to pursue a goal the individual must face a self-control conflict, self-control to promote goal pursuit.

Working in the group provides motivation, help, and problem-solving skills, goal achievement to an individual.

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