In: Nursing
A very significant current health issue is COVID-19. Please analyze and provide solutions (i.e., potential solutions) to this public health problem using the social ecological model as a framework. b. Please describe how each level of the social ecological model influences health behavior. c. Recommend an appropriate social behavioral theory for intervention at the intrapersonal or interpersonal level.
Social ecological model has 4 componenets such as individual, relationship, community and societal.
In case of Covid 19, at individual level, attitudes and beliefs towards this pandemic has to changed with adequate awareness about the disease condition and carry out preventive strategies such as frequent handwashing and use of personal protective equipments such as face masks. age is a risk factor which means that vulnerable group such as children and elderly have to take precautions to tackle this social crisis. History of smoking puts an individual at high risk to this infection, so it is crucial for such individuals to take steps to boost their immunity so as to stay protected from this condition.
In relationship component of this model, it is crucial for all members of a family to be equally aware and take steps towards promoting health from this viral infection as failure to take precautions at individual level from any one family member could result in the spread of infection to all of them. Corona virus has the capability to transmit at closed spaces within 1-2 feets and it can stay for some period of time after an infected person sneeze, cough or talk. It is equally important for each member of the family to use cough ettiquettes, use of PPE and handwashing religiously to protect their loved ones at relationship level.
At community level, it is vital to maintain social distancing while at work place or at a shopping mall for at least 1 to 2 feet distance and to avoid organising or attending any social gathering during this pandemic. Queue must be maintained with adequate distance between each person in places such as cinema hall, shopping mall, offices or banks.
At societal level, people must spread the awareness of precautions towards this dreadly disease so as to protect the society from getting infected. Stigma and discrimination towards people who became infected must be removed from the society and people should be encouraged to help each other in case of any help needed.
The best example for social behavioral model that could be applied here is transtheoretical model. This theory has 5 stages such as precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Since, individuals have lot of misconception towards this disease and lack of awareness, many of them would not have the mind to adopt any change and show resistance to wards healthy habits to stop this infection during precontemplation phase. During contemplation phase, health care professionals must provide awareness about this disease so as to make changes in the thinking and attitude towards this infection among individuals. In preparation phase, people prepare their minds to adopt the healthy habits such as frequent handwashing, judicious use of PPE and good nutrition to prevent infection. In action phase, they adopt and follow all healthy actions and behaviour to stay immune. In maintenance phase, everyone would adapt these healthy behaviour in their lives and follow daily to stay healthy and immune through out their life time.