
In: Nursing

C. What is a Profession? 1. Compare and contrast a profession with an occupation. 2. Describe...

C. What is a Profession? 1. Compare and contrast a profession with an occupation. 2. Describe what powers a profession has in our society. 3. Describe autonomy and self-regulation within a profession. D. What is Nursing? 4. Discuss the ANA definition of nursing. 5. Explain the meaning of caring to nursing. 6. Compare and contrast the art of nursing with the science of nursing. 7. Compare and contrast the major nursing roles.


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A profession is a job at which someone works and for which they have had training.example of a profession would be a Teacher or a lawer.

1.Occupation is as activity undertaken by the person to earn his can be business,profession or employment that a person undertakes to make money.Profession is as activity that requires specialised training knowledge ,qualification and skills.

2.An important feature of professions is that individual proffessionals benefit from the respect and community trust in their experties.the economy-Professions improve consumers access to services and support economic activity by encouraging confidence and trust in the services offered by professionals.professions not only improve employment and career longevity,but can also provide community purpose and empowerment.allowing peoples careers to contribute to the social good.

3.Professional autonomy means that physicians as professionals discipline themselves automically and angage in medical care for their patients with the spirit of positive freedom.Professional self regulation is aregulatory model which enables goverment to have some control over the practice of a profession and the service provided by its members but without having to maintain the special indepth experties required to regulate a profession that would be required under direct regulation.

D,Nursing is a professional field dedicated to the treatment of patients dealing with illness or injuries.

4.The ANA states nursing is the protection promotion and optimization of health and abilities,prevention of illness and injury.alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and threatment of human response and advocacy in the care of individuals,families,communities and populatrions.

5.CARING as the moral ideal of nursing whereby the end is protection,enhancement and prevention of human dignity.human caring involves values,a will and a commitment to care ,knowledge,care actions and consequences.

6.As an art nursing entails an appropriate interaction between the patient and the nurse.this enables the nurse to offer ideal care to the patient.As a science the must be knowledgeable and accurate in respect to the profession.

Through liberal arts,nurses learn to analyze,problem solve,think critically and communicate.Through science nurses bring forward knowledge of anatomy&physiology,chemistry,microbiology,psycology and sociology.

7.The roles of nurse include to promote and maintain health ,to care for people when their health is negotiated ,to assist recovery,to facilitate independence,to meet needs,to improve or to maintain wellbeing/qality of life.Nurses plan and provide medical and nursing care to patient in hospital,at home or in other settings who are suffering from chronic or acute physical or mental ill health.A caring and and compassionate nature and the ability to deal with emotionally charged and pressured situations are important traits of a nurse.

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