
In: Nursing

As a nurse what teaching will you provide to your patients with heart failure about self-management...

As a nurse what teaching will you provide to your patients with heart failure about self-management at home?


Expert Solution

Teaching about self management of patient with heart failure -


you can benefit from activities such as brisk walking and cardio excerisees that increase the heart health

Don't feel discouraged if the progress is slow


Diet follow heart healthy diet ,make sure that salt quantity is limited , because salt hold water in your body and this makes heart to pump harder

Limit canned ,dried ,fast foods

Don't add salt to your food

Avoid packed food

Watch fluid intake , taking more water make heart failure worse

Limit alcohol intake


Avoid smoking , it harms blood vessels that supplies oxygen to heart


Take medcations as prescribed

Learn the names and purpose of medicine

Keep medicine list and dosage with you all the time

Don't skip the dose

Refil the prescriptions before they are completed


Check your wieght every day

Sudden increase in wieght is a sign of worsening the heart failure

Check your wieght after emptying the bladder and before breakfast


Take follow up appointment

Depending on the severity of heart disease follow up is needed after 7 days after discharge

Keep appointments for Check ups and lab tests , which are needed for medicine and conditions


When u feel sudden wieght gain

Trouble in breathing

Sweeling in limbs , abdomen

Frequent coughing


When u feel severe shortness of breath

Severe chest pain

Pink foamy mucus with cough

Irregular heart beat



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