
In: Nursing

As a medical administrator it's essential to have effective communication skills. How would you handle an...

As a medical administrator it's essential to have effective communication skills. How would you handle an irate patient who's in need of medical care and seeks treatment in your medical office? Discuss methods for professionally communicating with the patient. Strategize with your peers on the best approaches for professional communication.


Expert Solution

Effective communication is a vital part of nursing profession.Every healthcare worker must be prepared to handle agitated patient.communicate them with carefully .

Some points to be remember while handling irritated patients are

  • Always be prepared.
  • Listen the patient carefully,show empathy and also try to validate their feelings.
  • Control our own language,emotions.
  • Realize that we cant appease them.
  • Try to keep cool and never change the language by patients anger.try to calm down the patient ,make an eye contact with the patient.Make a feel that you are listening the patient carefully.It is very important to understand the event that makes the anger.always try to apolagize the patient.

To communicate with the patient in a professional manner we want some skills of communication.By considering the patient likes we can avoid conflicts.

  • Keep your body language,make sure that your body level as patient.Make a eye contact with the patient.Must face them during speaking.
  • Make the communication understandable for them.Avoid commands ,request them .
  • Should have patience.
  • speak clearly.
  • Give patient time to speak.
  • Use basic language.
  • Avoid our own emotions.

To communicate with the peers

  • Make building relationship a priority ,employes must be willing to change the behaviour.
  • Respond at right time,timing is important in effective communication.
  • Always use the right medium.
  • Understand each other.
  • Honesty and open behaviour is important.
  • Encourage each other.

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