
In: Computer Science

3 files cvehicle.h -- a partially filled-out class declaration for the CVehicle class main.cpp -- the...

3 files

  • cvehicle.h -- a partially filled-out class declaration for the CVehicle class
  • main.cpp -- the main module that creates and manipulates CVehicle objects
  • cars.dat -- a text file that contains name data for the main module

4th file is cvehicle.cpp and it needs to be created from scratch, and cvehicle.h needs to be filled in

This was the test drive:

carOne = Hyundai Sonata
carTwo = Hyundai Sonata
carThree =
Enter the make and model of a vehicle: toyota corolla
You entered: toyota corolla

Testing the assignment operator...
carOne == Hyundai Sonata
carTwo == Hyundai Sonata
carThree == Hyundai Sonata

Here are the contents of the car file:
Lamborghini Miura
Ferrari Enzo
Porsche GT2
Ford Mustang
Chevrolet Corvette
Kia Rio
Nissan Versa

Here is what's in the files:


#include "cvehicle.h"
using namespace std;

// ==== main ==================================================================
// ============================================================================

int main()
// test the constructors
CVehicle carOne("Hyundai", "Sonata");
const CVehicle carTwo = carOne;
CVehicle carThree;

// display the contents of each newly-constructed object...

// should see "Hyundai Sonata"
cout << "carOne = ";
cout << endl;

// should see "Hyundai Sonata" again
cout << "carTwo = ";
cout << endl;

// should see nothing
cout << "carThree = ";
cout << endl;

// try the "read" function and the overloaded insertion operator
cout << "Enter the make and model of a vehicle: ";
cout << "You entered: " << carThree << endl << endl;

// try the assignment operator
carOne = carThree = carTwo;
cout << "Testing the assignment operator..." << endl;
cout << "carOne == " << carOne << endl;
cout << "carTwo == " << carTwo << endl;
cout << "carThree == " << carThree << endl << endl;

// open the car data file
ifstream carFile("cars.dat");
if (
cerr << "Error opening the input file..." << endl;



using namespace std;

// constants
const int BUFLEN = 256;

// class declaration
class CVehicle
// ???

char m_make[BUFLEN];
char m_model[BUFLEN];

// non-member functions
istream& operator>>(istream &inStream, CVehicle &rhs);
ostream& operator<<(ostream &outStream, const CVehicle &rhs);



Lamborghini Miura
Ferrari Enzo
Porsche GT2
Ford Mustang
Chevrolet Corvette
Kia Rio
Nissan Versa


Expert Solution

Lamborghini Miura
Ferrari Enzo
Porsche GT2
Ford Mustang
Chevrolet Corvette
Kia Rio
Nissan Versa

#include "cvehicle.h"

CVehicle::CVehicle() {
        strcpy(m_make, "");
        strcpy(m_model, "");

CVehicle::CVehicle(string make, string model) {
        strcpy(m_make, make.c_str());
        strcpy(m_model, model.c_str());

void CVehicle::WriteVehicle() const {
        cout << m_make << " " << m_model;

void CVehicle::ReadVehicle() {
        string make; string model;
        cin >> make >> model;
        strcpy(m_make, make.c_str());
        strcpy(m_model, model.c_str());

CVehicle& CVehicle::operator=(const CVehicle &t) {
        strcpy(m_make, t.m_make);
        strcpy(m_model, t.m_model);
        return *this;

// non-member functions
istream& operator>>(istream &inStream, CVehicle &rhs) {
        string make; string model;
        inStream >> make >> model;
        strcpy(rhs.m_make, make.c_str());
        strcpy(rhs.m_model, model.c_str());
        return inStream;

ostream& operator<<(ostream &outStream, const CVehicle &rhs) {
        cout << rhs.m_make << " " << rhs.m_model;
        return outStream;



using namespace std;

// constants
const int BUFLEN = 256;

// class declaration
class CVehicle
        CVehicle(string make, string model);
        void WriteVehicle() const;
        void ReadVehicle();
        CVehicle& operator=(const CVehicle &t); 

        // non-member functions
        friend istream& operator>>(istream &inStream, CVehicle &rhs);
        friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &outStream, const CVehicle &rhs);

        char m_make[BUFLEN];
        char m_model[BUFLEN];


#include "cvehicle.h"
using namespace std;

// ==== main ===============
// =========================

int main()
        // test the constructors
        CVehicle carOne("Hyundai", "Sonata");
        const CVehicle carTwo = carOne;
        CVehicle carThree;

        // display the contents of each newly-constructed object...

        // should see "Hyundai Sonata"
        cout << "carOne = ";
        cout << endl;

        // should see "Hyundai Sonata" again
        cout << "carTwo = ";
        cout << endl;

        // should see nothing
        cout << "carThree = ";
        cout << endl;

        // try the "read" function and the overloaded insertion operator
        cout << "Enter the make and model of a vehicle: ";
        cout << "You entered: " << carThree << endl << endl;

        // try the assignment operator
        carOne = carThree = carTwo;
        cout << "Testing the assignment operator..." << endl;
        cout << "carOne == " << carOne << endl;
        cout << "carTwo == " << carTwo << endl;
        cout << "carThree == " << carThree << endl << endl;

        // open the car data file
        ifstream carFile("cars.dat");

        CVehicle testCar;
        if (
                cerr << "Error opening the input file..." << endl;

        cout << "Here are the contents of the car file:" << endl;
        while(carFile >> testCar) {
                cout << testCar << endl;


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