
In: Accounting

Question 1: Benefits of a diverse workforce What are some of the organizational benefits of attracting...

Question 1: Benefits of a diverse workforce What are some of the organizational benefits of attracting and retaining a culturally diverse workforce? How can diversity and multiculturalism support an organization’s talent management strategy? What policies would you develop as an HRM to ensure your organization achieves these benefits? Use the articles and resources provided to support your ideas. Don't forget to read over and then respond to a colleague's ideas. Be sure to include citations from at least two sources you used to develop your responses! Question 2: Evaluating diversity programs Part A: What are the essential components of an effective diversity program? Discuss legal and organizational cultural factors. What are some challenges organizations face in creating and maintaining successful diversity programs and how can these be overcome? Use the articles and resources provided to support your ideas. Part B: Select an organization and explore their diversity program. It could be an organization you have worked for, one you are familiar with, or one you are curious about. Describe the major components of their diversity program and what makes it effective. Include the website in your reference list.


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Answer :-


Diversity can be defined as an strategy of creating a diverse workplace including different cultures and traditions which work as an ethical system towards an organisation. It is basically designed for the acceptance of minorities in the work organisation by accepting a different culture towards the workplace. Companies are very much prone to introduce diversities to their system as it is a very important part of an organisation.

Maintaining cultural diversity of your organisation is a very essential part in creating an efficient as well as good working environment.

For increasing the overall cultural diversity of your workplace you can introduce these factors to your organisation.


Commitment to boost the internal competency of diversity.

By boosting the internal competency in diversity of company can readily increase its overall cultural diversity. By educating the company's department in training them to be a participant in increasing the cultural diversity of the company is essential part in developing a progressive cultural diversity platform. By providing a better platform for communication between cross-cultural employees and looking your organisation through different socio cultural aspects is also very beneficial practice and boosting the diversity of the organisation.


Keep looking for new ideas and innovations

By keeping an eye on new ideas, we can easily implement new strategies as well as new key factors to introduce the better type of diversity in our organisation. Getting new ideas to business approaches or creating the inter departmental relationship, maintaining I need of new ideas will always help you in creating a better culturally as well as socially diverse workplace. A workplace where different perspective for the same thing are valued and rewarded is very necessary for growing the overall diversity.


Giving right treatment

By providing correct treatment to your employees as well as your customers you can easily maintain strong bond between them, no matter what cultural background are they from. By maintaining relationships you can easily increase the level of diversity in your workplace. Treating others how they want to be treated is the key factor of increasing the diversity as well as the intercultural relationships inside the workplace which would result in enhanced diversity of the workplace.


Celebrating the traditional celebrations and holidays from every culture.

Different holidays and traditions from different cultures inside your workplace would send out a message of positivity. This specific message will increase the level of relationship between two different cultures. Buy wishing your employees regarding their specific holidays or just emailing them on their holidays spread out a positive message and create a better born between the workplace and the employees which helps in increasing the overall diversity of the organisation.


Your contribution is most important.

Your contribution in enhancing the overall cultural diversity of your organisation is most important. By taking part in the smallest fraction of positivity towards the diversity in our place would result in a huge improvement of diversity in an organisation. By implementing little ideas and focus on introducing new techniques as well as new innovative ideas to improve the overall diversity of your organisation is the key thing to achieve most out of it. The best way to promote diversity in your workplace is to embrace the working conditions and the employees of the workplace no matter what your cultural background they have.

By using these practices you can easily enhance the overall diversity of your organisation and can provide a better working environment for your employees.

By improving the overall cultural diversity of your organisation you can easily improve the efficiency as well as productivity of your organisation by implementing cultural diversity into your organisation.

By introducing diversity to your organisation you can easily introduce and increase the level of involvement of the employees into your organisations work. You can easily attract the stockholders as the organisational efficiency is directly attractive to the investment. By increasing the overall diversity of the organisation you can also implement multicultural programs which will attract the stockholders from different cultures as well as the employees are also work hard to repay there a specific investors.


Increase profits would definitely be increasing the company's overall position in the market. Limitation of the cultural diversity in your organisation that specific period On position in the market would improve the overall reliability of your stocks to the stockholders as well as the employees. By getting more and more stockholders by introducing the cultural diversity in your organisation you can easily increase the overall stock price of the firm and that would indirectly benefit the firm in growing towards are successful firm.


Company's cultural environment as well as the employees moral are very important for companies growth. If a company is moral standards are hiring companies internal work structure would be very effective. Morale play a very important role in creating inter employee relationship which directly increases the company's overall efficiency as well as productivity. By introducing a well managed culture into your organisation you can easily increase the overall involvement of the employees towards the organisational success.


If a company is cultural environment is rich then the companies employ would work towards the company is benefit and they would also excel in their field. Excellence in any field is directly helpful in competition towards your competitor. By having better employee management system as well as cultural programs in your company you can easily improve the company's bottom line.


By maintaining vast cultural diversity into your company, you can easily enhance the overall productivity of the company. In an organisational culture integrity of the employees in maintain towards their workplace and defaulter commitment towards their organisation.

By implementing the cultural diversity in organisation you can easily social responsibility as well as for the organisation. Having different cultures in your organisation could directly lead you to an improved ethical as well as social work structure , improve overall corporate social responsibility. It is very essential for an international manager to understand the importance of different cultures As a manager has to manage employees from different cultures in its organisation or workplace. Without a proper understanding of your employees culture you cannot manage them. The better you know your employees the best will be the efficiency of your system. Hence improving the overall efficiency of the system needs that you should be able to understand the different cultures from different society around the globe.

Yes, our class has cultural differences among the students. Come from different cultures and others from different which make us understand about each other and learn new things.

Different cultures introduce different new things in our class and we have to learn about the cultural differences between our culture and other culture. It also improve the cultural diversity of our class by implementing multiple learning structures from different cultures. The tradition make us learn about new things and or do the same to them.

Group projects are more intuitive with different cultures. Everybody comes up with the different Idea and thinking techniques. Also affect their thinking abilities as well a ours.

Strategic analysis

Strategic analysis is a process of analysing company in the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. This specific analysis give some ideas of companies overall condition and the available opportunities as well as threats to the organisation. By analysing all the data obtained by the swot analysis alternatively called strategic analysis can be used to improve the company's were quality as well as the internal organisational structure.

Buy successfully analysing your company's strategy and opportunities as well as the threats one can easily set up a new business identity according to the data obtained by the analysis.

Strategic planning can be defined as a process of the structure of your business with which it will grow.

By using all of these three strategies in collaboration one can easily grow their business and can generate profit while staying ethical and socially acceptable.

Social responsibility towards this is it of an organisation is very much important. Creating a socially acceptable and responsible work environment a company can easily be implemented with society and the work structure would also be improved as the quality of work inside an organisation with social acceptance would be done.

By properly managing the ethics of the company accountant can create a very sustainable as well as culturally diverse workplace which is required for each and every organisation.

By being committed to the and the Social Responsibility towards the society, workplace should follow a culturally diverse as well as providing support two different communities as well as their employees who come from different socio-cultural backgrounds and do I need a better work environment for your organisation.

By increasing the social responsibility of your organisation, brand image of your organisation can be increased in the society. If your company's ethic cultures and economic strategies are working together then they can create a more society oriented company which is very much reputed by everybody in the society. For creating a better workplace and provision of ethics morals and social responsibilities one should introduce cultural diversity into its workplace. If a company works with ethics and Social Responsibility in collaboration with the strategic planning then they would be an increase on rate of success,

talent management

Some strategies to approach the talent development are as follows

•  Creating atmosphere

By creating an atmosphere which proves the Talent development inside an organisation could be very beneficial in developing different functional brain development moduls.

•  Creating a talent development team

By implementing a training development team into your organisation you can boost the overall efficiency of the training development by guiding your employees towards the specific strategies used by your organisation with the help of the training improvement team.

•  Evaluation

By constantly evaluating the overall growth of the employees to word the specific development program, easily increase its productivity as well as efficiency to copy specific training and development program which is used to develop the skills of the employees inside the organisation.


The situational leadership style is one of the most critical challenges faced by any employee in an organisation where it has to be able to transform itself into the situation and provide support to the organisation as well as building strategies.


Answer -  2.

Diversity is an essential task for each and every organisation and plays an important role in determining the specific behaviour. Cultural diversity directly effects the Structure of the organisation by maintaining relations between the different employees as well as employer.

Different ethics and culture is inside an organisation insurance about learning from different cultures. This specific learning from different cultures helps organisation to maintain an always learning methodology.

This is Pacific diversity also increases the overall level of implementation of different strategies which lead to the better behaviour of the employees inside the organisation.


Diversity also increases the overall level of job satisfaction by maintaining the ethics as well as implementation of different cultures inside the organisation. Each and every culture define their own ethical values and helps in organisation to maintain their efficiency as well as productivity. A productive organisation is always a satisfied organisation which directly increases the job satisfaction of the employees.

I work at an FM station and we apply POLC model to obtain the maximum results from specific applications.



Planning is one of the most essential parts of a project plan. Without a proper planning management cannot work and planning process allows an organisation to run smoothly. Planning includes defining a goal and that determining the best available strategy to achieve that goal in most efficient manner.



Organising the each and every step inside a specific project plan can routine and streamline the overall working steps of the specific project. Why having a streamlined and organised project plan, the efficiency of a project is readily improved



Leading is an essential task of POLC framework and determine the leading structure of the organisation. This is specific term also ensure better leadership style which is capable of delivering best results for the organisation according to the organisational structure.



The controlling function of project planning is very essential for controlling or other function of the project and keeping them in structured manner. Controlling process is also required to rectify the situation or the problems that are creating obstruction in setting new standards


Once in our organisation we stuck in a situation where we have to deal with a large number of crowd without any experience, at that specific situation our boss motivated us to face the crowd and to be confident at that particular. Impartially ask me to lead the team to talk to the crowd and be a host for that specific event. He also gave me some tips regarding how to handle the crowd. This is specific motivation and reinforcement directly increased level of efficiency as well as productivity and I was able to handle the specific event event very easily.

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