
In: Nursing

1. How might a child held back by an imitation of a certain stage, proceed to...

1. How might a child held back by an imitation of a certain stage, proceed to the next stage of development?

2. How do you think biological siblings growing up in the same environment can develop different or similar personalities?


Expert Solution

1) Children develop skills in five main areas of development:-

1. Cognitive Development. This is the child's ability to learn and solve problems.
2.Social and Emotional Development.
3.Speech and Language Development.
4.Fine Motor Skill Development.

5.Gross Motor Skill Development.
6.Recent brain research indicates that birth to age three are themost important years in achild's development. Here are some tips to consider during your child's early years: Be warm, loving, and responsive.As a health worker it is important to have some understanding of this process of children's development. This will enable you to assess whether or not a child is developing appropriately, tounderstand what they are and are not capable of doing, and to respond to each child's needs and rights more effectively.

2) Siblings Share Genes, But Rarely Personalities : NPR.Siblings Share Genes, But Rarely Personalities Manysiblings couldn't be moredifferent from each othereven though they share genes and environment. Take brothers Tom and Eric Hoebbel (above), whose personalities and lives are radicallydifferent.

The answer has to do with the fact that each parent actuallyhas two different sets of genes. And that each parent passes only half of their genes to their child. And that the half that gets passed down is random. All of this together ensures that each child ends up with a different, unique set of genes.

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