
In: Psychology

Explain the notion of “unconditional positive regard,” and discuss how this concept might operate in child...

Explain the notion of “unconditional positive regard,” and discuss how this concept might operate in child rearing or in a romantic relationship. What are the critical differences between Skinner’s and Rogers’s views of human nature and the role that psychology can play in human lives? Which position do you find most appealing? Why? Contrast Rogers’s ideas about marriage with more traditional views. Do you see problems or advantages in Rogers’s approach? Explain your position.


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  • Unconditional positive regard is complete acceptance and support of a person regardless of what the person says or does. Rogers believes that unconditional positive regard is essential to healthy development. By providing unconditional positive regard, humanistic therapists seek to help their clients accept and take responsibility for themselves.
  • Humanistic psychologists believe that by showing the client unconditional positive regard and acceptance, the therapist is providing the best possible conditions for personal growth to the client.
  • Parents showing unconditional positive regard (UPR), which is characterized by the child being consistently prized regardless of one’s behavior, and moreover by constantly receiving affection and acceptance leads to better psychological wellbeing of the child.The presence of parents consistency in the promotion of emotional warmth and discipline leads to the development of more secure individuals.
  • Children whose parents demonstrate support, affection and responsiveness to their needs most of the time tend to be less sensitive to rejection. With UPR children develop higher self concept.The presence of consistency in the way parents rear their children directly affect in a positive way in the way they see themselves.
  • Rogers emphasizes on inner life: the reality of inner experience, will, choice, freedom, feelings, growth, will, courage and self-actualisation. In contrast, Skinner emphasizes on outer life: external, observable behaviour, modes of reinforcement, and the problems of shaping and control.
  • Roger’s concept is a very recognisable world in which individuals make decisions using their own inner resources of character and personality, and ideally direct the course of their own lives, which is posed as the ’cause’ of this activity.But for Skinner, there is a world of actions and reactions, behaviours and reinforcements (or punishments); a world of external activity which then has consequences for all of us.
  • For me,behaviourism is more appealing since it focuses on observable behaviour. This school of thought can be applied practically to school or work settings. Its more objective in its approach. For example, merits, certificates and awards, honours boards, detentions, suspensions, letters to parents,salary increments,incentives,bonuses etc.These are strategies that are employed by almost every school and company in the world, so it is hard to deny that behaviourism has had a huge impact on education as well as jobs worldwide.
  • Rogers thought that marriage now is more difficult to maintain than in past because increased life expectancies mean that flaws in a relationship that might have been endured in previous times, when the life expectancies were lower, will no longer be tolerated in a relationship that is expected to endure for 50 years or more.
  • Also Rogers views about a healthy marriage are way different from old,traditional views wherein women were less important. He focused on the importance of communication in marriage which is more open and involving mutual listening, difficulties being brought into the open by the partners, valuing separateness ,women's independence is valuable in the relationship, expected roles replaced with behaving in ways that each partner wants and either partner may form secondary relationships outside of marriage which may or may not involve sexual relationship, which often cause great pain but enrich growth but that depends on individual to individual.
  • He opposed traditional marriage in which the husband is the ultimate authority and the wife occupies a more subservient role which is really important in today's changing times wherein violence against women is increasing. Its high time that women get their due.
  • With regard to marriage,there is no problem with this approach since this is the need of the hour. But in general,his approach is too subjective and does not uses any objective measures which makes it difficult to study or even apply practically.
  • It is too positive when regarding human behaviour- this means that it assumes individuals are instrinsically good and will choose positive paths for their lives- however free will and choice is limited for some individuals.

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