In: Electrical Engineering
Try designing a 4 bit Multiplexer using two 2-bit multiplexer design given below and verify the design by simulating it.
module Mux2x1(In0,In1,sel,out);
input In0,In1,sel;
output out;
assign out = (sel)?In1:In0;
Pls include the verilog design module,testbench, waveform
// verilog code for 2*1 mux
module Mux2x1(In0,In1,sel,out);
input In0,In1,sel;
output out;
assign out = (sel)?In1:In0;
// verilog code for 4*1 mux using 2*1 muxes
module Mux4x1 (
// input port declarations
input In0,In1,In2,In3,sel1,sel0,
output out);
// internal signal declaration
wire t,u ;
// instantiate 2*1 mux modules
Mux2x1 U0 (.In0(In0),.In1(In1),.sel(sel0),. out (t));
Mux2x1 U1 (.In0(In2),.In1(In3),.sel(sel0),. out (u));
Mux2x1 U2 (.In0(t),.In1(u),.sel(sel1),. out (out));
// testbench code for 4*1 mux
module test;
reg In0,In1,In2,In3,sel1,sel0;
wire out;
// instantiate DUT
Mux4x1 A0 (.In0(In0),.In1(In1),.In2(In2),.In3(In3),.sel1(sel1),.sel0(sel0),.out(out));
// input stimulus
initial begin
In0 =1'b1; In1 = 1'b0;In2 = 1'b1; In3 = 1'b0;
sel1 = 1'b0; sel0 = 1'b0; #20;
sel1 = 1'b1; sel0 = 1'b0; #20;
sel1 = 1'b0; sel0 = 1'b1; #20;
sel1 = 1'b1; sel0 = 1'b1; #20 $finish;
// Simulation waveforms