In: Nursing
What is the purpose of performance appraisals?
How would you measure a nurse’s productivity?
Discuss the multiple forms that violence can take within the workplace. Why is violence prevalent in a health care environment?
According to Edwin B Flippo "Performance appraisal is a systemic periodic and so far as humanly possible,an impartial rating of an eployee's excellence in matters pertaining to his present job and to his pottentialitiesfor a job".
1. Performance appraisal helps the management to take decision about the salary increase of the employee.
2. The continuous evaluation of an employee helps in impoving the quality of an employ in job performance
3. It brings out the facilities available to an employee when the management is prepared to provide adequate facilities for effective performance.
4. It minimizes the communication gap between the employee and employer.
5. Promotion is given to an employee on the basis of his perfomance appraisal