First, it is important to find out if the anemia is being caused
by a poor diet or due to some other serious health problem. Then
you can treat both the anemia and its cause. Basically the iron
deficiency anemia can be treated with.
- Intake of iron supplements by mouth
- Foods rich in iron and those which help body to absorb iron
like foods with Vitamic C.
- Intravenous infusion of Iron, this is often a choice if there
is chronic kidney disease.
- Transfusion of red blood cells.
- If the anemia is caused by internal bleeding, then a surgery
may have to be performed to stop the bleeding. Surgical repair has
been used in cases like paraesophageal type of hiatal hernias, with
or without ulcers.
- Genetic disrorders like beta thalassemia and sickle cell anemia
may require bone marro transplant.
- Anemia is also linked to cancer in some cases both anemia being
a symptom and in terms of cancer treatment. Both radiation and
chemotherapy can cause anemia, in which case the further cancer
therapy may have to stopped temporarily until the anemia is
improved by iron, blood transfusion, getting necessary Vitamins B
and or getting shots of drugs to stimulate your body to produce