
In: Biology

Need guidance in Putting together a concept mapping (chart flow) with the following learning objectives: “The...

Need guidance in Putting together a concept mapping (chart flow) with the following learning objectives: “The control of a body variable by two body organs” Choose any organ of the body of your preference and one of the following variables assumed as plasma levels of water, electrolytes, hydrogen ions (H+), gases (O2 and CO2), nutrient, metabolic waste, and temperature.

Identify and represent in the map relationships between the variables and the role of the two chosen organs to control the level of the variable.

I was thinking changes in body temperature as the variable caused by skeletal muscle activity and sweat glands as the organs and using the associated terms: evaporation, shivering, muscle concentrations, heat, vasoconstriction. I just need help putting this together.


Expert Solution


  • Organ | variable | Organ
  • Liver --------> metabolic waste<--------- Kidney
  • LIVER- consists of several groups of metabolic enzyme such as varoius microsomal(e.g. CYP450) and non microsomal enzymes(oxidases,peroxidases etc.) which metabolises various xenobiotics and food matter and drug substances.


  • xenobiotics or any chemical substance that is in the plasma--------> enters the liver and undergo phase 1 metabolism which consists of oxidation, reduction and hydrolytic reaction which results in conversion in the chemical structure of the entity entering the liver fro metabolism.
  • If the metabolic product thus formed is sufficiently hydrophillic then the metabolite can exit the body either via kidneys or bile.
  • If not so , then they can undergo further metabolism i.e. Phase 2 metabolism which includes conjugation reaction of the chemical entity.
  • EX:conjugation with glucouronic acid, with sulphate moeity.
  • This results in the production of hydrophilic metabolite which results in the excretion via urine or bile.


  • Kidney- The metabolites that are to be excreted from the kidneys may get excreted by the following method.

1.Glomular filtration tubular secretion tubular reabsorption or passive tubular reabsorption.

The following metabolites will only be passed which are

1.sufficiently water soluble

2.non volatile

3.small in molecular size(less than 500 daltons)

  • if any of the condition is not followed by the metabolite to be excreted it would result in further metabolism.
  • Note-Phase 1 is a mandatory step but phase 2 is conditional and only occurs when the phase 1 metabolism could not make the metabolite to get excreted.And in case of many drugs the proactive form is activated by the phase 1 metabolism which shows pharmacological effect and gets excreted by the body by using phase 2 metabolism.


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