
In: Nursing

What stage of the Model of Skill acquisition are you in? Include a short clinical narrative...

What stage of the Model of Skill acquisition are you in? Include a short clinical narrative that would provide supportive evidence for your self-analysis; explain how the evidence is indicative of the stage of the model you have chosen


Expert Solution

The process of learning , skill acquisition, and expertise development are intricately interwoven when the discussion is about an individual performance. At the higher level , learning is assumed to be the mist fundamental process for an individual. Overall development. At the same time , it is also believed that learning may not always translate to performance at the job. However skill acquisition process vunderscore learning as the most fundamental mechanism .

There are some:-

Learning and performance.

In general, task performance and job performance is considered as a direct function of abilities ir skills acquired by an individual. Sets of contextual knowledge ( knowledge about effective vaction in the situation that call for volunteering, helping, supporting , persisting, defending ,etc) , contextual skills ( carrying outaction deemed effective in as situation) and contextual work habbits ( ways of handling conflict, tendencies, interpersonal styles etc). Affect the contextual performance.Thus, each of these kinds of performance is a direct function of the knowledge , skills and abilities of the individual , though not entirely attributed to those.

Expertise Development

In the literature , skill acquisition and expertise development have been explained from different viewpoints. Knowledge and skill acquisition bhave been grounded in well regarded classic and seminal work conducted in the 1960s , 70s , 80s, . From that perspective , expertise can be defined as ' the possession pf a large body of knowledge and procedural skills' . Further , a certain amount of quantity of knowledge , skills , or behaviour does not mean expertise . Instead , expertise is a continuous process of adjusting knowledge, relearning , changing mental representation as one interacts with situation , reflex upon it and use pattern recognition and correct one's way of thinking.


The topic of expertise has been studied from multiple aspects, and at times it becomes almost incomprehensible to condense different perspective at one place . According to one view , expertise can be defined by three dimensional - development of expertise , the knowledge structure possessed by the experts and the reasoning process used by the experts..

I choosed to be this skill of acquisition.

As. , It is believed that experts within their donain are skilled , competent and think in qualitatively different ways than do novices . Expert performance comes by virtue of an expert's ability to integrate information from a large array of accumulated experience to assess the situation , , select a course of action through recognition, and then assess bthe course of action through the mental simulation. This is termed as an intuitive capability which only experts are deemed to have.Thus, exclusively is one feature of expertise that sets it apart from any other construct in skill acquisition.

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