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Medications affecting coagulation Coumadin Heparin Lovenox Mode of Action Indications Dosage/Route Side Effects Labs to Monitor...

Medications affecting coagulation

Coumadin Heparin Lovenox

Mode of Action



Side Effects

Labs to Monitor


Patient teaching


Expert Solution

  • Coumadin

It is an anticoagulant.

It acts by decreasing the production of clotting protein in the blood.There by the blood formed are thinned in size.

It is Indicated in Deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism,Arterial embolism,heart valve replacement

The dose for Adults are 2-5 mg once a day and then a maintenance dose of 2-10 mg is done.

It is administered orally

The usual side effects are nausea, anorexia, abdominal pain,rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, trouble breathing

Lab values like INR,PT,PT INR,PTT had to be monitored

The antidote for this is Vitamin K

Patient has to report if any of the above side effects are greater

  • Heparin

It is also an anticoagulant

It inactivates thrombin and activated factor 10

It is indicated for DVR, pulmonary embolism, thromboembolism, unstable angina,in kidney dialysis machine

It is administered via IV or Subcutaneous

The usual dose is 5000 units (TDS) and depending upon the need

Side effects are bleeding,pain at site, decreased platelet, alopecia, osteoporosis, increased serum aminotransferase and potassium

The lab value to be monitored are serum potassium and serum aminotransferase

The antidote is Protamine Sulphate

Teach patient about side effects and to get help when symptoms are severe

  • Lovenox

It is also an anticoagulant

It acts by binding to antithrombin then it inactivates clotting factor10 &8

It is indicated for surgery, prolonged bed ridden patients no mobilisation,angina ,heart attack

The route of administration is subcutaneous and intravenous


for abdominal surgery 40mg _OD for 7 to 10 days

Surgery of hip and knee 40 mg _OD for 3 weeks

Acute illness 40 mg _ OD for 6 to 12 days

DVT 1 mg/kg/12 hours

Side effects are mild irritation,pain at site, bruises, redness, thrombocytopenia,echymosis, nausea,anaemia, dyspnea, hematuria

The antidote is Protamine

Monitor lab value of platelet, aminotransferase , clotting factors

Inform the patient about side effects and report to physician if any problems

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