Make or Buy decision: Firms produce some or the
other products, some companies purchases raw material from other
companies and some companies make raw material and other necessary
items at their own. Make or buy decision consists of two things,
whether to manufacture a product or buy it from supplier.
These factors influence make or buy decision:
- Size of the company- A big company can take
make decision as they have abundance of capital and their
consumption is more and there are other elements like plant layout,
corporate policy, direct cost, personnel relation etc. Smaller
company that has expenditures of few lacs, can take a buy decision
rather setting up whole plant and manufacturing.
- Difficulties in manufacturing- If company is
not finding right place to set up the plant and factory for
manufacturing and finding difficulties in production then it can go
for buying, if company is not finding suppliers and delivery
properly then it can go for manufacturing.
- Profitability- Company does cost and benefit
analysis and analyzes opportunity cost also, it calculates and
compares the profit on making the products and buying them and goes
for the decision that is more profitable.