
In: Computer Science

PYTHON BEGINNER Problem Create a program that lets the user play a simplified game of Blackjack,...

PYTHON BEGINNER Problem Create a program that lets the user play a simplified game of Blackjack, which is played between the user and an automated dealer as follows.

The dealer shuffles a standard deck of 52 cards, draws two cards, and gives them to the user. The user can then choose to request another card from the dealer, adding it to their hand. The user can continue to request cards or choose to stop at any time. After each time the user requests a card, the program should output the cards in the player's updated hand and their total point value (see the function decomposition section below for how to calculate points). If, when receiving a new card, the total number of points in the hand goes over 21, the user loses. In this case, the dealer does not play.

Once the user chooses to not draw any more cards, it is the dealer's turn to play, which is automated as follows. The dealer begins by drawing two cards. As long as the point value of the dealer's hand is less than 17, the dealer draws another card. When the point value of the hand is between 17 and 21 (inclusive), the dealer stops and the two hands (users and dealer's) are compared. The player with the highest point value wins. If the point value of the dealer's hand goes over 21, the dealer has lost.

When the game ends, the program should output the outcome along with both player's hands.

Instructions Create a new Python file and place intro comments using the template below. Use comments to write the algorithm your program will follow, including functions.


Expert Solution

import random

suits = ('Hearts', 'Diamonds', 'Spades', 'Clubs')
ranks = ('Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine', 'Ten', 'Jack', 'Queen', 'King', 'Ace')
values = {'Two':2, 'Three':3, 'Four':4, 'Five':5, 'Six':6, 'Seven':7, 'Eight':8, 'Nine':9, 'Ten':10, 'Jack':10,
         'Queen':10, 'King':10, 'Ace':11}

playing = True

#creating car class#

class Card:
    def __init__(self, suit, rank):
        self.suit = suit
        self.rank = rank
    def __str__(self):
        return self.rank + ' of ' + self.suit

#creating Deck, shuffle function and single dealing#

class Deck:
    def __init__(self):
        self.deck = []  # start with an empty list#
        for suit in suits:
            for rank in ranks:
                self.deck.append(Card(suit, rank))
    def __str__(self):
        deck_comp = '' #strating competition deck empty#
        for card in self.deck:
            deck_comp += '\n' + card.__str__() #add each card object;s strin#
        return 'The deck has' + deck_comp
    def shuffle(self):
    def deal(self):
        single_card = self.deck.pop()
        return single_card

#creating a hand#

class Hand:
    def __init__(self): = []  # start with an empty list as we did in the Deck class
        self.value = 0   # start with zero value
        self.aces = 0    # add an attribute to keep track of aces
    def add_card(self,card):
        self.value += values[card.rank]
        if card.rank == 'Ace':
            self.aces += 1
    def adjust_for_ace(self):
        while self.value > 21 and self.aces:
            self.value -= 10
            self.aces -= 1
#creating Chips balance for comeptitor#            

class Chips:
    def __init__(self): = 100  # This can be set to a default value or supplied by a user input = 0
    def win_bet(self): +=
    def lose_bet(self): -+
#Taking bets#

def take_bet(chips):
    while True:
   = int(input('How many chips would you liek to bet?  '))
        except ValueError:
            print("Sorry, a bet must be an integer!")
            if >
                print('Sorry, your bet cannot exceed {} '.format(

# taking hits#

def hit(deck,hand):

#player to take hits or stand#

def hit_or_stand(deck,hand):
    global playing
    while True:
        x = input("Would you like to Hit or Stand? Enter 'h' or 's'")
        if x[0].lower() == 'h':
            hit(deck,hand)  # hit() function defined above

        elif x[0].lower() == 's':
            print("Player stands. Dealer is playing.")
            playing = False

            print("Sorry, please try again.")

#functions to display cards#

def show_some(player,dealer):
    print("\nDealer's Hand")
    print("<card hidden>")
    print(' ',[1])
    print("\nPlayer's Hand: ", *, sep= '\n')
def show_all(player,dealer):
    print("\nDealer's Hand:", *, sep="\n")
    print("Dealer's Hand =",dealer.value)
    print("\nPlayer's Hand: ", *, sep= '\n')
    print("Player's Hand = ", player.value)

#functions to handle game scenarios#

def player_busts(player,dealer,chips):
    print("Player busts!")

def player_wins(player,dealer,chips):
    print("Player wins!")

def dealer_busts(player,dealer,chips):
    print("Dealer busts!")
def dealer_wins(player,dealer,chips):
    print("Dealer wins!")
def push(player,dealer):
    print("Dealer and Player tie! It's a push.")    

while True:
    # Print an opening statement
    print("Welcome to my kickass Blackjack game.")
    # Create & shuffle the deck, deal two cards to each player
    deck = Deck()
    player_hand = Hand()
    dealer_hand = Hand()
    # Set up the Player's chips
    player_chips = Chips()
    # Prompt the Player for their bet
    # Show cards (but keep one dealer card hidden)
    show_some(player_hand, dealer_hand)
    while playing:  # recall this variable from our hit_or_stand function
        # Prompt for Player to Hit or Stand
        hit_or_stand(deck, player_hand)
        # Show cards (but keep one dealer card hidden)
        # If player's hand exceeds 21, run player_busts() and break out of loop
        if player_hand.value >21:
            player_busts(player_hand, dealer_hand, player_chips)


    # If Player hasn't busted, play Dealer's hand until Dealer reaches 17
    if player_hand.value <= 21:
        while dealer_hand.value <17:
            hit(deck, dealer_hand)
        # Show all cards
        # Run different winning scenarios
        if dealer_hand.value > 21:

        elif dealer_hand.value > player_hand.value:

        elif dealer_hand.value < player_hand.value:

    # Inform Player of their chips total
    print("\nPlayers winnings stand at",
    # Ask to play again
    new_game = input("would you like to play again? Enter 'y' or 'n'")
    if new_game[0].lower() == 'y':
        playing = True
        print('Thanks for playing! ')



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