
In: Advanced Math

(The “conjugation rewrite lemma”.) Let σ and τ be permutations. (a) Show that if σ maps...

(The “conjugation rewrite lemma”.) Let σ and τ be permutations.

  1. (a) Show that if σ maps x to y then στ maps τ(x) to τ(y).

  2. (b) Suppose that σ is a product of disjoint cycles. Show that στ has the same cycle structure as

    σ; indeed, wherever (... x y ...) occurs in σ, (... τ(x) τ(y) ...) occurs in στ.


Expert Solution

(a) Given that , we have

(b) Suppose that be a cycle in . Thus, we have,

By part a) we have

which shows that is a cycle in . Thus, corresponding to every cycle in we get a cycle in , and conversely, for every cycle in we get a cycle in . Hence, if is a product of cycle, so is , and both has same cycle structure.

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