
In: Statistics and Probability

You operate a luxury hotel in Baltimore that famous celebrities rent for extended periods. The daily...

You operate a luxury hotel in Baltimore that famous celebrities rent for extended periods. The daily price is per room is $1,950. Operating costs average $60,000 per day, regardless of the number of rooms rented. Construct a spreadsheet model to determine the profit if 60 rooms are rented. The manager has observed that the number of rooms rented during any given day varies between 50 and 80 (the total number of rooms available).

a.Use data tables to evaluate the profit for this range of unit rentals.

b.Suppose the manager is considering lowering or increasing the daily price by $100. How will profit be affected? (Hint: use a two-way data table).


Expert Solution

Spreedsheet model to determine the profit if 60 rooms are rented

Operating cost of the rooms per day 60000
Rent price per room 1950
Number of rooms rented 60
Profit if 60 rooms are rented 57000

To Calculate Profit , Profit = (Rent*No of rooms rented)-Operating Costs

Enter the formula in the required cell

a)Given that number of rooms rented varies from 50 to 80, we can calculate the profit by one way table

Copy the formula for finding profit in C15 and enter the number of rooms in the cells B16 to B46, Select the range of the table

Go To Data and What If-Analysis and Choose Data Tables

In the opened dialog box, in column cell, select C7 and click Ok, The data table will be as below

Profit amount if the room rent is 1950
Number of rooms rented Profit
60 57000
50 37500
51 39450
52 41400
53 43350
54 45300
55 47250
56 49200
57 51150
58 53100
59 55050
60 57000
61 58950
62 60900
63 62850
64 64800
65 66750
66 68700
67 70650
68 72600
69 74550
70 76500
71 78450
72 80400
73 82350
74 84300
75 86250
76 88200
77 90150
78 92100
79 94050
80 96000

b)Profit calculation for the varying rent price and number of rooms rented can be done by using two way table .It can be created similar to One way table, except for giving C6 in row cell of the Data Table dialog box.

Number of rooms rented Profit for the varying room rent
57000 1850 1950 2050
50 32500 37500 42500
51 34350 39450 44550
52 36200 41400 46600
53 38050 43350 48650
54 39900 45300 50700
55 41750 47250 52750
56 43600 49200 54800
57 45450 51150 56850
58 47300 53100 58900
59 49150 55050 60950
60 51000 57000 63000
61 52850 58950 65050
62 54700 60900 67100
63 56550 62850 69150
64 58400 64800 71200
65 60250 66750 73250
66 62100 68700 75300
67 63950 70650 77350
68 65800 72600 79400
69 67650 74550 81450
70 69500 76500 83500
71 71350 78450 85550
72 73200 80400 87600
73 75050 82350 89650
74 76900 84300 91700
75 78750 86250 93750
76 80600 88200 95800
77 82450 90150 97850
78 84300 92100 99900
79 86150 94050 101950
80 88000 96000 104000

The Profit increases with the increasing room rent

Formula Sheet

Operating cost of the rooms per day 60000
Rent price per room 1950
Number of rooms rented 60
Profit if 60 rooms are rented =C6*C7-C4
Profit amount if the room rent is 1950
Number of rooms rented Profit
60 =C9
50 =TABLE(,C7)
51 =TABLE(,C7)
52 =TABLE(,C7)
53 =TABLE(,C7)
54 =TABLE(,C7)
55 =TABLE(,C7)
56 =TABLE(,C7)
57 =TABLE(,C7)
58 =TABLE(,C7)
59 =TABLE(,C7)
60 =TABLE(,C7)
61 =TABLE(,C7)
62 =TABLE(,C7)
63 =TABLE(,C7)
64 =TABLE(,C7)
65 =TABLE(,C7)
66 =TABLE(,C7)
67 =TABLE(,C7)
68 =TABLE(,C7)
69 =TABLE(,C7)
70 =TABLE(,C7)
71 =TABLE(,C7)
72 =TABLE(,C7)
73 =TABLE(,C7)
74 =TABLE(,C7)
75 =TABLE(,C7)
76 =TABLE(,C7)
77 =TABLE(,C7)
78 =TABLE(,C7)
79 =TABLE(,C7)
80 =TABLE(,C7)
Number of rooms rented Profit for the varying room rent
=C9 1850 1950 2050
50 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
51 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
52 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
53 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
54 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
55 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
56 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
57 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
58 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
59 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
60 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
61 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
62 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
63 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
64 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
65 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
66 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
67 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
68 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
69 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
70 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
71 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
72 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
73 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
74 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
75 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
76 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
77 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
78 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
79 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)
80 =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7) =TABLE(C6,C7)

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