
In: Nursing

you will develop teaching plans for the following individuals, integrating the three domains of learning, considering...

you will develop teaching plans for the following individuals, integrating the three domains of learning, considering learning needs, and readiness. Use the teaching plan template to formulate your response.

A 75 year old, male, being discharged to an assisted living facility after a recent hospitalization for pneumonia.

Use the steps of the nursing process to formulate a teaching plan with your group for your assigned topic. Post your completed teaching plan to the Teaching and Learning Discussion Forum.


Nursing Process

Fill in your teaching plan here:

Assessment (assessment of needs, prior knowledge)

Ex: Assess knowledge of group, assess motivation to learn…

Diagnosis (what is priority in the teaching plan)

Ex: Knowledge deficit related to disease process as evidenced by continuing to choose foods with high carbohydrates…

Planning (Set learning goals)

Ex: “The group will return demonstrate use of a glucometer (psychomotor domain)…

Implementation (How to carry out the teaching plan)

Ex: In a classroom, the nurses will describe diabetes, demonstrate glucometer use, hold discussion related to diagnosis…

Evaluation (Have our goals been met)

Ex: By the end of the class, the group would have met all goals…


Expert Solution

Domains of learning

  • Bloom's Taxonomy was created in 1956 under the leadership of educational psychologist Dr Benjamin Bloom in order to promote higher forms of thinking in education, such as analyzing and evaluating concepts, processes, procedures, and principles, rather than rote learning. It is most often used when designing educational, training, and learning processes
  • The taxonomy provided a practical framework within which educational objectives could be organized and measured. Educationalobjectives domains
  1. Cognitive domain
  • Related to (intellectual abilities, i.e. knowledge, or thinking abilities.
  • Development of mental (intellectual) abilities and skills is there.
  • It consists of six hierarchical levels and increasing operational difficulties.
  • The achievement of a higher level of skill assumes the achievement of the previous level.
  • Involves storing and recalling of new knowledge in brain

    Ex: listing, identifying, describing, designing, explaining, locating, labeling, comparing, summarizing, selecting

    Using computer, audiovisual materials

    Asking question

  • This includes six major categories

a)knowledge ( memory ) level

• Lowest and foundation of higher order of cognitive skills.

• Recognition, remembering and recall of previous learned knowledge.

• Action verb : identify, relate, recall, name , recognize. • E.g. learner would be able to define anemia

• ACTION VERB: identify, relate, list, recall, name.

b) Comprehensive( understanding) level

• It is an ability to grasp or construct the meaning of material.

• Demonstrate understanding of facts by organizing, comparing, interpretation, giving description and stating ideas. • It is all about Internalization of knowledge.

• Action verb: restate, identify, illustrate, describe.

. • E.g. Given sets of Hb value the learner would be able to interpret and categories them as mild, moderate and severe.

• ACTION VERB: Restate, locate, identify, discuss, describe.

c) Application

• It is an ability to use a learnt material.

• Using new knowledge, solve problems to new situation by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques in a different settings.

• Use of abstraction in concrete situation

• These abstraction can be- procedure, principles, theories which must be remembered, understood and applied.

• E.g. A nurse intern applies what she learned in her psychology class when she talks to patient. • ACTION VERB: Relate, translate, operate, illustrate, demonstrate.

d) Analysis level

• It is breaking material down of communication into its component parts.

• This is done to establish the relation btn ideas expressed to be clear

. • Organizational structure is better understood.

• ACTION VERB: compare, inquire, examine, categorize, classify, discover


• It involves putting parts together in a new whole.

• Synthesis is concerned with the ability to put parts of knowledge together to form a new knowledge.

• new answers or original things are made.

• Take things and pattern them in a new way.

. • E.g. composing of poems, and songs, writing etc. • A therapist combines yoga, biofeedback and support group therapy in creating a care plan for his pt.

f) Evaluation

• Ability to judge the value of material

• Use of definite criteria for judgments it can be quantitative or qualitative judgment.

• Value judgments based on clearly defined criteria

• Use of cognitive and affective thinking together

• Evaluation is the ability to judge , check and even critique the value of material given for given purpose.

  • ACTION VERB: estimate, choose, decide, compare, evaluate, measure

2.Affective domain

• It includes feelings , emotions, behavior( attitude, feel).

• Principle of internalization.

• Emotional aspect of educational objectives.

Pertains to changes in interest, attitudes, values & Development of appreciation & adequate adjustment.

• Each affective behavior has a corresponding cognitive behavior. (It includes receiving phenomena, reponding to phenomina, valuing, organizing and internalization of values)

Skill” learning by doing: Activity: Demonstration, practice, modeling, using computer, assembling, changing, creates, emptying, filling, adding, calculating, removing, measuring

Eg: filling a syringe, giving an injection, changing a dressing.

3.Psychomotor domain

The psychomotor domain involves development of the body and skill.

• These are concerened with the physically encoding of information, with movements

. • It uses gross and fine muscles for interpreting information

It icludes

IMITATION • Tends to act on mental impulses, which is concern with the perception of sensory cues, that guide actions and ranges from awareness of stimuli. • It involves observing and copying someone else. • The student indicates a readiness to learn a certain complex skill.

MANIPULATION • Guided via instruction to perform a skill. • At this level the learner is capable of performing an act according to instruction rather than only by observation. • This level is called guided response. • The student continues to practice the skill until it becomes habitual and be performed by some confidence.

PRECISION • At this level skill is carried out smoothly within reasonable timeframe to achieve coordination. • Accuracy, proportion and exactness exist in the skill performance without the presence of the original source

ARTICULATION • Two or more skills combined, sequenced, and performed consistently. • Higher level of precision is achieved • The skill is well developed. • Student can adapt the skills accordingly to different requirements.

NATURALISATION • Two or more skills combined, sequenced, and performed consistently and with ease. • This performance is automatic with little physical or mental exertion

  • Skill” learning by doing: Activity: Demonstration, practice, modeling, using computer, assembling, changing, creates, emptying, filling, adding, calculating, removing, measuring

    Ex: filling a syringe, giving an injection, changing a dressing


1) Cognitive domain

  • Assess the knowlede of the geroup regarding pneumonia
  • List the symptoms of pneumonia
  • Estimate the plan of care based on the symptoms
  • identify the ability of slf care
  • Regonogonize the priority areas of care
  • Organize the plan of care and explain the effectiveness of nursing care given to the patient

2.) Affective domain

  • Listen to the needes of the patient
  • remember to address the patient by his name
  • Encourage the patient to give suggestions in the plan of crae
  • Be sensitive to the individual and cultural difference of the patient
  • Provide a comfiortable position , and comfort devices like pillows to the patient
  • Prioritize timeplan for the need based care
  • Co operate with the patient in group activities

3)Psychomotor Doma

  • SElection of appropriate av aids to describe th eprocedures to the oatient
  • Recogonize the abilities and limitations of the patient
  • Responds to the need of teh patient
  • Document the care giiven to patient
  • Modify the plan of care based on sevearity or reduction of symptoms.



  • ASsess the ability to laern or perform desired health care


  • Knowledge deficit related to disese condition as evidenced by providing cold drinks to th epatient


  • The group will understand the importance of using semifowlers position
  • Observe the sputum color, viscosity, and odor and report changes.


  • In the class room nursing students will be able to describe pneumonia, its symptoms, plan of care , need for positioning


  • By the end of the class the students will be able to understand care a patient with pneumonia.
  • Determine the patient’s self-efficacy to learn and apply new knowledge.

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