In: Nursing
Ans:- As a student nurse giving psychological support and making comfortable and helping the patients in all directions are very much important in nursing field.
Role of student nurses in labor and delivery -
- firstly understand the limits of knowlege and judgement.
-respects the patient safetu and well being.
- as a student nurse uses of clear, accurate aand effecrive communications.
- as a student nurse need to learn all the important things and observed everything what to be learn.
- needs pay attention what seniors and doctors said while posting in labor and delivery room.
- try to do practically what we learnt in theory.
-need to check vitals for the patients and and fetal status. This is very important role of nurse in labor room.
-and as a student nurse not shy to ask any questions to seniors or doctors if we hav any doubt
- should have knowlege about all the machines and instrument in student period.
-we should be abled to recognized of any complications and act quickly in order to stabilize the situation.
- psychological support to the patient and her family members is one of most important role of nurse in nursing.
- should work to promote, maintain and restore the health of the patients by following the hospital procedures.