
In: Nursing

Discuss the CMS QUALITY initiatives that are underway at this time. Do you support these initiatives...

Discuss the CMS QUALITY initiatives that are underway at this time. Do you support these initiatives ? why , or why not ? how do you feel these initiatives will affect patient care ?


Expert Solution

The CMS quality initiative refers to the quality initiatives that have being implimented by the CMS to improve the quality of health care. One of the CMS quality initiatives is to reduce the harm caused when delivering health care . CMS aims at improving healthcare in hospitals by reducing the possible damage that can be caused during the administration of health care.

another initiative that is implemented by CMS is reducing cost of healthcare. CMS aim to reduce the cost of quality healthcare for people and. Making healthcare services affordable for the people.

Do you support these initiatives, why and why not? :-

Yes, I support these initiatives . This is because they reduce the cost of healthcare services and make easy to be affordable for People. If the healthcare services become easy to reach for each and every person that will lead to grow the country by not only by economically but also by the health and power and subside the chances of endemics, epidemics and sporadic type diseases.

How do you feel these initiatives will. Affect the patient care? :-

Yes, these initiatives will. also affect the patient care. This is because it will improve the healthcare services that the patient will receive. And it will make the services affordable.

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