
In: Biology

7. You have an unknown microorganism that you would like to classify as archaeabacteria, eubacteria, fungi,...

7. You have an unknown microorganism that you would like to classify as archaeabacteria, eubacteria, fungi, protozoa, or virus. Please describe how you might classify this organism based on its physical characteristics. As part of your answer, describe specific characteristics of each of the 5 groups above.


Expert Solution

1) Characteristics of Archeabacteria: -

-. Archeabacteria do not possess the well developed nuclear envelope,so they are considered as prokaryotic organisms.

- Due to the preencpr of glycerol- ether lipids in the cell wall they can live in extreme environmental conditions. Wheras the other common bacteria have glycerol ester lipids .

-. They possess isoprenoid units in the composition of their fatty acid tails.

2 ). Eubacteria:-

- The bacteria are prokaryotic as they lack the well developed nuclear envelope.

- On the basis of cell wall composition they are mainly classified into Gram negative bacteria and Gram positive bacteria.

- They have flagella for the movement.

- They have various forms according to their shapes like Bacillus,coccous and so on.

3) Fungi :-

- It is considered as the lower plant group .

- .Fungi lack the chlorophyll pigment,so they can't produce their own food material. Therefore they are considered as heterophytes.

-. According to the mode of their nutrition they are classified as ,parasitic fungi and saprophytic fungi.

4) Protozoa : -

- . These are the single celled eukaryotic microorganisms.

-. They are parasitic in Nature.

- . They belongs to the kingdom protista.

5) . Viruses:-

- .Viruses are microscic in nature .

- Virus is composed of protein ,lipids and the genetic material.

- The genetic material of virus is surrounded by protein coat .

-. Using host enzymes they can replicate their DNA and incorporate their DNA in host call and multiply themselves.


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