
In: Nursing

Need an outline for my healthcare systems course I want a universal Healthcare system in which...

Need an outline for my healthcare systems course

I want a universal Healthcare system in which everyone is given health insurance in the United states in which the government insures everyone.

Outline topic is Design a universal health care system for the United State system

Here are the elements needed in the essay: Model the system after that of another nation, if you'd like, or design one that is completely original. Make sure to take into consideration that the values and needs of the American people in designing your system. Also, include the following elements in your design:

·       The role of federal, state, and local governments

·       The role of insurance companies

·       The role of employers

·       The role of providers

·       The role of consumers

·       How health care would be paid for

·       The advantage of your system over the existing one

·       The biggest criticisms your opponents would have of your system

·       How you would answer these criticisms

·       Make sure to discuss how you will improve access, decrease cost, and increase quality


Expert Solution

A universal health care system for the United States, which can be considered as a universal healthcare system in which the government insures every citizen has been a dream for quite some time. It has been proposed by several lawmakers, but didn’t become a reality due to various factors that were not under their control. Considering the fact that every citizen has equal rights to life and liberty under article 21 of the constitution, and protection of life and personal liberty is guaranteed under this article, we ought to have a universal healthcare system. This system should guarantee free healthcare to all and should be considered as an extension to article 21 in the sense that it guarantees protection of life. All citizens without any difference in race, economic/educational background, etc have the right to free healthcare.

Each and every citizen should have access to free healthcare. This should include all healthcare expenses like medication cost, tests, imaging, doctor’s payment, invasive/non-invasive procedures, etc excluding cosmetic procedures/medicine. The expenses for each person should be shared by the federal, state, and local governments. 60% of the expense should be borne by the federal government, 25% by the state government, and 15% by the local government. There should be more federal or state government owned hospitals and governments should have at least 50% ownership in the existing healthcare organizations in private sector. This would mean that the doctors in the private hospitals wouldn't force people to have expensive procedures to satisfy the greed of the owners. Thus the doctors would stop crucifying the patients to do all unnecessary expensive procedures. With the 50% ownership of government in the private sector hospitals, even the poor patients would get access to all the expensive facilities/treatments, but the government will take care of the expenses incurred.

To meet the expenses the government can earn more revenue from healthcare tourism meant for people from other countries and by giving them consultation/followup access through telemedicine. The governments can also collect health tax from employers and a minimal tax from other citizens for this purpose. Each employer should pay the health tax based on the number of employees in his firm. Individual healthcare providers should be part of any public or private healthcare organization and they will be paid by that organization and not by the patient. Thus insurance companies will be totally excluded from the healthcare scenario and no out-of-the-pocket payment will be made by the patient. The biggest criticism of this model, the extra burden on governments, will be taken care of by the above means. The insurance sector will be the only group who will incur any loss.

With all these changes, the hospitals or clinics will no more be a scary place and the patients will not faint on seeing the expenses. People will be happy to go to the hospitals if they have any complaints rather than postponing it due to financial issues. They will not have to go through all the sufferings of any unnecessary expensive procedure. Nobody will live longer or lesser and will be healthy or unhealthy based on their financial status. All treatments given and received will be accountable, and each and every citizen's health status will be available to the authorities. Increased accountability would improve access, decrease cost, and increase quality. Any citizen would then be having a positive attitude towards diseases as well as treatment, which could lead to a healthy community/country.


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