In: Nursing
share your perspective on a universal healthcare system.
health is a state of being maintaining an equlibrium of physical, mental and social and free from disease and any illness
Health care system: is an individual, organization,communities that provide services to the needy people.
Universal health care system: is a system of care that provides a promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative care to all needy people.
universal health care system helps to lower cost of care, thereby all people get access to care universally. there are some advantages of health care system. only doctors have dealing with the health care services that to be provided to all needy recommeded qulity care to all people with reduced cost. by means of health education,most of the disease can be prevented and people can lead healthy life. it increase cost of unhealthier item such as alcohol, smoking, some beverage item. it generates funds by collecting taxes from people.
there are three dimension of health care system which are: number of people covered by health care system, range of heathcare services access to people, extent of financial risk to needy people. it covers all people by means public, private, government oriented health package. it explanis how much services provides for each condition.
universal health care system is created for addressing the inequlaities and enhance health outcomes. there are some disadvantages of universal healthcare system. they are : queue for elective procedures,it makes healthier people to pay for others medical care. the people who cannot pay, generates lower income, might seek health care for emergency. the government reduces its care in some rare conditions medication, end of life care. health acre costs exeeds government budget. some insurance limits its care, there by doctor might reduce their care to patient by cutting some of services according to insurance coverage.
there are 3 universal health plans: 1.Singer payer method inwhich government provides services to all people by generating income tax . health insurance inhich people provides some payment to insurence inorder to access health care. the government decides prices of care provided by social health insurance. this insurence government run insurance3. national health insurence in which all people give payment for national insurence plans. this is one insurence company there by it reduces administrative cost. examples of nationa health insurence model are medicare, mediaid
finally, it provides long term health care to all people and serves the doctor concentrates on health care.