
In: Computer Science

Please make the following changes to the following code: #This program takes in the first and...

Please make the following changes to the following code:

#This program takes in the first and last name and creates a userID printing first letter of first name and first 7 characters of last name
#by Abi Santo

def main():
    print("This Program takes your first and last name and makes a User ID")
    f_name = str(input("Please enter your first name ")).lower()
    l_name = str(input("Enter your last name: ")).lower()
    userID = str(f_name[:1]+str(l_name[:7]))

  1. Call the function createUserName(). This function will prompt the user for first and last names, create the userid from the first initial plus the last name, and return the userid to the main() function
  2. main() will print out the userid returned from the createUserName().
  3. main will then call the function createPassword(). This function will prompt the user for a password. It will return the password to main()
  4. The main() function will then call checkFirstCharacter(), passing the first character of the password. CheckFirstCharacter() will check to see if the first character is alphabetic, and return either a True or False value back to main().
  5. If a "True" value is received from checkFirstCharacter (see above), then main() will call  checkRemainingChars(), passing the remainder of the password. checkRemainingChars() will check to see if the remainder of the string is alphabetic or numeric, and return a True or False value back to main().

  6. If either checkFirstChar or checkRemainingChars returns a value of "False", main() will issue an appropriate error message (specific to which was in error), and prompt the user for a new password.

  7. Once the entire password has been validated, main() will print a "Password accepted" message to the user.

please use python


Expert Solution

def main(): #defining the main function
    print("This Program takes your first and last name and makes a User ID")
    f_name = str(input("Please enter your first name ")) #to input the first name
    l_name = str(input("Enter your last name: ")) #to input the last name
    userID=createUserName(f_name,l_name) #to create userId, call function createUserName()
    print(userID) #print the value of userID
    Check = False #defining a check value to check validation of password
    while (Check != True): #while loop until the password is valid
        password=createPassword() #calling createpassword function
        Check=checkFirstCharacter(password) #calling checkFirstCharacter function
        if (Check == False): #checking if the first character of password is a digit
            print("First character of the password should be an alphabet")
            continue #again enters the password
        else: #checking if the first character of password is alphabet
            Check=checkRemainingChars(password) #when first character is alpha, calling checkRemainingChars function
            if(Check == False): #if any value of other characters of password is a digit
                print("Please enter the remaining characters of the password as alphabets")
                continue #again enters the password and repeats process, until password is validated   
    print ("Password accepted") #exits the loop, with a valid password 

def createUserName(f_name,l_name): #defining function createUserName
    userID = str(f_name[0]+str(l_name[:7])) #concatenate first alphabet of f_name with seven letters of l_name
    return userID #returning the userID created
def createPassword():  #defining function createPassword
    password=str(input("Enter your password: ")) #ask the user to enter the password
    return password #return password to the main function

def checkFirstCharacter(password): #defining function checkFirstCharacter
    return(password[0].isalpha()) #returning true if first character is alphabet, else false
def checkRemainingChars(password): #defining function checkRemainingChars
    return(password[1:].isalpha())#returning true if other characters are alphabet, else false


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