Heat loss is nothing but hypothrmia
- Normal body temaperature 36.5c-37.5c
- mild hypothermia-36.0-36.4c
- moderate hypothermia-32.0-35.9c
- sever hypothermia-lessthan 32oc
why do babies got cold easily:
- Largebody surface area in re;ation to weight
- Decreased insultation,little sucutaneous fat
- Decresed heat production,less brown fat
- wet when they are born
Mechanism of heat loss:
- convection-Draughts in the room and cold currents around the
- Radiation -to colder objects close to the baby
- conduction-direct contact with cold surfaces
- Evaporation-amniotic fluid evaporates from skin surfaces
- cold room
- cold draft
- baby left uncovered
- baby is unwell
- baby not feeding well
- baby left wet and uncovered during resuscitation
- baby put on cold surface
- baby is wet at delivery and not dried effectively
- mother and are not together.
Babies cannot regulate body temperature like adults,hypothermia
increases morbidity and mortality:
- Increased oxygen consumption,hypoxia,metabolic acidosis
- hypoglycaemia
- Apnoea
- Depletion of surfactant
- poor feeding and failure to gain weight
- Reduced body coagulability.
How to reduce heat loss:
- warm delivery room
- immediate drying
- skin to skin contact
- breast feeding
- bathing and weighing postponed
- appropriate clothing and betting
- mother and baby together
- warm transportation
- warm resuscitation
- training and awareness
prevent to loss heat:
- provide radient warmer
- incubator
- heated water mattresses
- warm room.warm cot