
In: Nursing

Select one quantitative nursing research article that uses statistical analysis and review the data analysis section....

Select one quantitative nursing research article that uses statistical analysis and review the data analysis section. Do not just summarize the article. Critique the statistical analysis used in the article.

Was it appropriate?

What were the results of the analysis?

What are the limitations of the analysis?

Please come with problems that you encountered in understanding the analysis.

What questions do you have regarding quantitative analysis not just for your project, but also in relation to reading and critiquing research?


Expert Solution


A study to assess the effect of information booklet on the knowledge of class IV employees regarding biomedical waste management in intensive care units of selected government hospital of metropolitan city.


  1. To assess the existing knowledge of class IV employees regarding biomedical waste management by administering pre­ test questionnaire.
  2. To assess the information booklet knowledge of class IV employees regarding biomedical waste management in terms of post­test questionnaire after administering
  3. To    compare the knowledge of   class IV employees in   terms of administration of pre and post test questionnaire.


  1. Class IV employees have some knowledge regarding biomedical waste management.
  2. Class IV employees will have interest to know more about the biomedical waste management.
  3. Information booklet on biomedical waste management will improve the knowledge of class IV employees.


H0: There will be no significant difference between the pre and post-test knowledge scores among class IV employees regarding biomedical waste management.



Information booklet is an independent variable in this study.


Knowledge of class IV employees regarding biomedical waste management is the dependent variable.


In this study, Input is giving knowledge to class IV employees regarding biomedical waste management.

The investigators provided an information booklet to improve knowledge of class IV employees.


Input :

Class IV employees took part by showing interest in gaining knowledge.


If the Information booklet is effective, the output is improvement in knowledge of Class IV employees regarding biomedical waste management.

If the Information booklet is not effective, the output is persisting inadequate knowledge of Class IV employees regarding biomedical waste management.

In this study, The Information booklet was effective in improving the knowledge if Class IV employees regarding Biomedical waste management. The output was analysed by Post- test Questionnaire.


  • General
  • Characteristics of biomedical waste
  • Impact of infectious agents on human health and environment
  • Biomedical waste management strategies
  • Quantity of biomedical waste generatio
  • Biomedical waste treatment facilities
  • Pretreatment of infectious biomedical waste
  • Anaerobic digestion process
  • Study related to health care
  • Conclusion


A pre - experimental design was used to assess the knowledge of Class IV employees regarding biomedical waste management in selected government hospital.


In this study, the researchers used a pre experimental one group design one group pre-test, post-test design is where a single group is assessed at two points before and after the introduction of the independent variables.

In this study, the effect of independent variables, i.e. knowledge through Information booklet regarding Biomedical waste management was studied by evaluating, analysing and comparing the pre-test and post-test questionnaire scores.


In the study, population consist of class IV employees in intensive care units of selected government hospital of metropolitan city.

Criteria for sample selection: Inclusion criteria:

  1. All class IV employees of intensive care units.
  2. Class IV employees who are willing to participate.
  3. Class IV employees who know Hindi language.

Exclusion criteria:

  1. Class IV employees who are not willing to participate.
  2. Class IV employees who don't understand Hindi language.
  3. Class IV employees who are included in pilot study.

Tool and technique

A questionnaire was prepared to assess the knowledge of class IV employees regarding biomedical waste management in intensive care unit of selected government hospital of metropolitan city.

Tool was developed by researcher with reference of books, internet, review of literature, under the guidance of research guide and experts.

The tool consisted of questionnaire which was used to assess knowledge of class IV employees in pre-test and post-test. It consist of following sections.

Section I :The questionnaire consist of introduction, definition, importance of biomedical waste management and biomedical waste management rule.

Section II:The questionnaire consists of classification of biomedical waste.

Section III: The questionnaire consist of sources of biomedical waste.

Section IV:The questionnaire consists of biomedical waste management process.

Section V: The questionnaire consists of colour coding of biomedical waste management.

Section VI:The questionnaire consists of biomedical waste management process.

Section VII:The questionnaire consists of infection control.


The validity of the information booklet was obtained by verifying it from various experts from the field of microbiologists doctor and infection control sister in charge and nursing experts. Certain changes were done as suggested by the experts. The investigator did not face any difficulty in collecting data from respondent. The data thus collected were compiled for analysis.


The content validity consists of the systematic examination of the tool to determine whether it covers all the aspect of the study adequately.

To establish content validity the tool was prepared and given to ten subjects experts for validation.

The prepared tool along with the objective and a blue print was submitted to eight nursing experts and microbiologists doctor and infection control sister in charge.

There was common agreement among the experts and a few suggestions obtained were incorporated thereafter in the tool. Thus the content validity of the tool was established.

The first draft of the tool consisted of demographic data (Age, sex, duration of service in hospital, duration of service in ICU department, any occupational hazard, biomedical waste management training.) and thirty multiple choice questions on knowledge assessment of biomedical waste management. Based on suggestions given by experts, the necessary modification of the tool was made and the final tool was prepared which consisted of thirty multiple choice questions grouped under different sections.


In order to test reliability of the tool, it was administered to 5 samples. This was done to rule out any bias or any confusion with the questions, which would be elicited after the actual administration of questionnaire.


The pilot study was performed on 5 class IV employees working in intensive care units of selected government hospital of metropolitan city.


The data gathering process started from after getting the required permission from the respective authorities.

The data collection was done in 4 stages.

Stage 1:

  1. The pre-test questionnaire was administered to the group of class IV employees working in intensive care units of selected government hospital regarding biomedical waste management.
  2. The response received through questionnaire were assessed and based on their correct responses, the gaps in their knowledge were identified by the investigators.

Stage 2: Information booklet was prepared with attractive pictures.

Stage 3: Information booklet was given to the samples after pre-test.

Stage 4: The post questionnaire was administered after 2 days to collect post data from the group, so as to assess the change in their knowledge.


The data collected from the samples was grouped and analysed with the help of statistical measures,

Part I: consists of demographic data,

Part 2: consists of multiple choice questions. Each correct answer carried value of '1' mark and each wrong answer carried '0' mark.


The researchers planned to analyse the collected data by using descriptive and inferential statistics.

Descriptive statistics:

  1. Frequency and percentage distribution were used to analyse the demographic data.
  2. Knowledge of class IV employees before and after providing information booklet was analysed by frequency and percentage.

Inferential statistics:

  1. Comparison of knowledge between pre-test and post-test of class IV employees in groups according to demographic characteristics analysed by ‘t’- test. Data analysis was planned based on the objectives of the study.


The demographic data was analysed in terms of frequency and percentage.


For the analysis of knowledge score, knowledge score was divided into five sections and then analysed in terms of frequency and percentage as follows.

Section I: Knowledge scores regarding Introduction of Biomedical waste.

Section II: Knowledge scores regarding Classification of Biomedical waste.

Section III:Knowledge scores regarding Sources of Biomedical waste.

Section IV & VI:Knowledge scores regarding Steps of Biomedical waste management process.

Section V:Knowledge scores regarding Colour coding of Biomedical waste management.

Section VII:Knowledge scores regarding Infection control.


Analysis of knowledge scores with the significance of difference level of 0.05, between pre and post test scores in the area of knowledge section wise by t-test.


The analysed data is organized and presented in the following sections.

Part I: Deals with demographic data of samples presented in terms of frequencies and percentage.

Part II: Deals with the analysis of the distribution of pre-test & post-test knowledge regarding

Part III: Deals with the analysis of the knowledge scores with significant change in knowledge of the samples between pre-test&post-test.

Part I Demographic data:

Distribution of samples according to their age, sex, duration of total service in hospital, duration of service in ICU department, any problem due to improper biomedical waste management.


In group of 30 samples, 3.34%(1 sample) are from the age group of 21-30 years, 30% ( 9samples) are from the age group of 31-40 years, 36.66% ( 11 samples)are from age group of 41-50 years and 30% ( 9 samples ) are from age group of 51 and above.

Sex: In group of 30 samples,63.34%(19 samples) were female whereas 36.66%(11 samples) were male.

Duration of total service in hospital:

In the age group of 30 samples 13.33% (4 samples) are having duration of total service in hospital between 0 to 10 years, whereas 23.33%(7 samples) were having duration of total service in hospital between 11 to 20years and 56.67% (17 samples) were having duration of total service in hospital between 21 to 30years and 6.67%(7 samples) were having duration of total service in hospital between 31 to 40years.

Duration of service in ICU department:

In 30 samples, selected for research of which 56.66% (17 samples) were having duration of service in ICU department between 0 to 10 years, 30% (9 samples) were having duration of service in ICU department between 11 to 20years, 6.67 % (2 samples) were having duration of service in ICU department between 21 to 30yrs and 6.67% (2 samples) were having duration of service in ICU department between 31 to 40yrs.

Distribution of class IV employees who were previously affected due to improper biomedical waste management:

In 30 selected samples, 26.67% of class IV employees answered yes that they were affected due to improper biomedical waste management and 73.33% were not affected with it.

Distribution of samples who have received training on biomedical waste management:

In 30 selected samples 63.34%(19 samples) have received training on biomedical waste management &36.66%(11 samples) have not received training on biomedical waste management.

Part II:

Data analysis and interpretation tables figures and graph:

Data analysis of the distribution of knowledge scores of pre-test&post-test.


In relation to the introduction of biomedical waste management:

  1. Waste generated from hospital is called: in relation to the introduction of the topic 73.33 %( 22 samples) knew the answer i.e. biomedical waste management in the pre-test and in the post-test100 %( 30 samples) knew the answer.
  2. Improper biomedical waste management can cause which diseases: in relation to the familiarity of the diseases spread due to improper segregation of biomedical

waste management 53.33%(16 samples) were aware in pre-test whereas 90%(27 samples) gave correct answer in post-test.

It indicates that the group has, some knowledge regarding biomedical waste management, the information booklet is beneficial for increasing the knowledge.


INTERPRETATION: In relation to the classification of biomedical waste:

  1. Which of the following is not a type of biomedical waste: 43.33 %( 13 samples) gave the correct answer in pre-test whereas 73.33 %( 22samples) gave the correct answer in post-test.
  2. Which of the following category is not included in biomedical waste management: 90 %( 27 samples) gave the correct answer in pre-test whereas 93.33%( 28samples) gave the correct answer in post-test.



In relation to the sources of biomedical waste:

  1. Which of the following is the biggest source of biomedical waste production: 100 %( 30 samples) gave correct answer in pre-test as well as in post test
  2. Which of the following is not a source of biomedical waste: 86.66 %( 26 samples) gave the correct answer in pre-test whereas 96.66 %( 29 samples) gave the correct answer in post-test.



In relation to the steps of biomedical waste management process:

  1. Which of the following is the first step of biomedical waste management process: 60 %( 18 samples) gave the correct answer in pre-test whereas 90 %( 27 samples) gave the correct answer in post-test.
  2. Where should the biomedical waste first segregated: 26.66 %( 8 samples) gave the correct answer in pre-test whereas 73.33 %( 22 samples) gave the correct answer in post-test.
  1. Sharps containers must be filled upto what level: 40 %( 12 samples) gave the correct answer in pre-test whereas 93.33 %( 28 samples) gave the correct answer in post-test.
  2. While transportation of biomedical waste, in what manner should the bags be placed: 96.66%(29 samples)gave the correct answer in pre-test whereas 100%(30 samples) gave the correct answer in post-test.
  3. Which of the following is not then method of treatment and disposal of biomedical waste: 56.66 %( 17 samples) gave the correct answer in pre-test whereas 76.66 %( 23 samples) gave the correct answer in post-test.
  4. In chemical treatment of biomedical waste what % of hypochlorite is commonly used: 46.66 %( 14 samples) gave the correct answer in pre-test whereas 93.33 %( 28 samples) gave the correct answer in post-test.
  1. Reusable instruments like scissors etc. should be treated by which method:

46.66 %( 14 samples) gave the correct answer in pre-test whereas 40 %( 12 samples) gave the correct answer in post-test.

The implication of the study can be discussed in two broad areas namely- nursing services, nursing education and nursing research.

Nursing services: This study helps nurses to provide health education to the subordinates and thereby may promote to give better and skilled application of knowledge to improve nursing standards

Nursing education: Students are enabled to learn, explore, rectify and understand the deeper aspects of education related to this study.

Nursing administration: This study allows administrators to frame or alter policies, implement rules and regulations for its effective management for health promotion


Information booklet is effective in increasing the knowledge of biomedical waste management among Class IV employees.


‘t’ test was conducted to find out the effect of information booklet on knowledge regarding biomedical waste management, reveals that there is highly significant gain in post-test knowledge score, which proved that theinformation booklet is useful in increasing the knowledge of biomedical waste management among class IV employees.

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