In: Nursing
Digestive System
Slide 1 ,2,3 : Discussion of anatomy
Gastrointestinal system extends from mouth to rectum and total length is 23 - 26 feet. Part of GI system includes mouth, pharynx , esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and rectum
Mouth is the ist site of digestion Three pairs of salivary glands are there named as parotid, sunmaxillary and sublingual. Approximately 1.5L of saliva is secreted daily. Parotid is the largest salivary gland. Mumps affects the parotid glands .submaxillaryvgland is the gland with longest duct
Esophagus = it is a collapsible tube of 25 cm length located in the mediastinum of thoracic cavity, it is located anterior to the spine and posterior to trachea and heart, it passes via the diaphragm at an opening called the diaphragmatic hiatus, upper esophageal sphincter prevents the entry of air into the esophagus lower esophageal sphincter prevents GERD
Stomach = stomach is a distensible pouch located left to the midline just under the left diaphragm capacity is 1500ml , the inlet of esophagus into the stomach is known as esophagogastric junction it is surrounded by a ring of muscle called as cardiac sphincter. Stomach is divided into four regions; cardiac ( entrance) , fundus, body pylorus( outlet) pylorus is guarded by pyloric sphincter it controls the opening between stomach and small intestine. Stomach produces 2.4l of gastric juice per day. Gastric chief cells secrete pepsinogen helps in digestion of protein. Parietal cells secrete HCL and intrinsic factor
Small intestine = the longest segment of the GI system, it is divided into three parts
Duodenum 25 cm shortest part of small intestine
Jejunum 8 feet, ileum12 feet. Junction between small intestine and large intestine is a cecum which is located in the right lower quandrant ileocecal valve located here The ileocecal valve controls the entry of content into large intestine Vermiform appendix is located near the ileocecal junction in the similar quandrant
Large intestine = total length is 1.5 meter and is divided in three parts cecum, colon and rectua. Colon is further divided as ; ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon. Rectum continues in an external opening