
In: Biology

An organism has the indicated traits. Based on current knowledge, indicate whether the organism belongs to...

An organism has the indicated traits. Based on current knowledge, indicate

whether the organism belongs to the Domain Archaea, Bacteria, Eukarya, or some

combination. Use the possible answers listed below. Place the number of the correct

answer in the space provided. An answer may be used more than once.


1. Archaea 4. Could be Archaea or Bacteria

2. Bacteria 5. Could be Archaea or eukaryote

3. Eukaryote 6. Could be Bacteria or eukaryote

7. Can’t tell (could be any Domain)

_____a prokaryotic thermophile that prefers temperatures above 45°C

_____utilizes CO2 as a carbon source

_____has cell membrane lipids of branched hydrocarbons with ether-linkages

_____ has more than one type of RNA polymerizing enzyme

_____has cell walls of peptidoglycan

_____lacks membrane-bound nucleus ("nucleosome structure")

_____has mitochondria as an organelle

_____has oxygenic photosynthesis

_____ has a circular chromosome structure

_____has cell walls


Expert Solution

For the first paragraph is the number 4. In terms of physiology, archaebacteria are generally methanogens (methane creators), halophiles (they like salty environments) and thermophiles (taste for hot environments). These three informal designations can be confusing since many bacteria are also methanogens, halophiles and thermophiles.

For the second paragraph is the number 6. The use of CO2 as a carboun source means that the oragnism is autotroph. Plants with the ability to use CO2 to feed themselves as well as some algae and bacteria (cyanobacteria).

For the third paragraph is the numer 1. The archaea have their lipids bound by ether bond to the hydrocarbon chains, while the bacteria and eukaryotes are by ester bond.

For the fourth paragraph is the number 6 Archaea has only one type of RNA polymerase whereas bacteria and eukaryotes have several types of this same enzyme.

For the fifth paragrah For the fifth paragraph is the number 2 because bacteria are the only ones that have this structure, even based on the thickness of it is the Gram technique that allows Gram + and Gram - classification.

For the sixth paragraph is the number 4, Eukaryotes are the only with nuclear membrane, hence the name, "Eu" well "Karyon" nucleus (as would result a well defined or delimited nucleus).

For the seventh paragraph is the number 3 Eukaryotes are the only that have mitochondria

For the eighth paragraph, it is the number 6 Oxygen photosynthesis refers to the generation of oxygen as waste, which only plants and cyanobacteria do.

For the ninth paragraph is the number 2 Bacteria are the only ones that arrange their genetic information in this way. while the archeas organize their chromosome with histones (which is why they are more similar to eukaryotes) and the eukaryotes organize their chromosomes inside the nucleus

For the tenth paragraph is the number 6 The bacteria have glycan peptide cell walls and the cells of the plants have cell walls made of starch.

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