In: Nursing
Generation worksheet
Educational -
K – 12:
Post-secondary –
Political –
Work Ethic –
Marriage –
Sexual Identity –
Race Music/television/style –
Formative Event –
Fill out the characteristics of your generation from YOUR OWN OPINION. .Use the worksheet . What are their characteristics, their beliefs, their qualities as it pertains to the different areas in the worksheet. I discussion my generation.
Educational - mandatory to live, competitive and ambitious students
as well as educated parents
K – 12: various sectors were available- public, private,
residential etc.
Post-secondary – selected streams on basis of skills and taste in
career options
Political – a parliamentary system of elected representatives where
we have voting rights from age of 18 years offered through a
special ID card.
Work Ethic – abided by a set of code of ethics in all aspects of
employments or jobs
Marriage – an optmistic change occured in our generation where
parental and social influences got reduced in one's individual
selection of spouses.
Sexual Identity – a notable change; legal approval of LGBTQ
Race Music/television/style – television gave way for other web
oriented media like you tube, net flix etc. Music and style vary
according to trends on time.
Technology - changes every second, with newer updations
Formative Event – educational sessions, adolescent counselling
sessions, career guidance sessions, exams
Filled out the characteristics of my generation from MY OWN OPINION.